A Boon Companion
Acquire the Templar as a follower.
Complete all the maximum level class achievements.
Bringing Down The House
Kill 10 monsters with the environment.
Co-op Elite Kills (10)
Kill 10 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques) while playing cooperatively.
Co-op Elite Kills (20)
Kill 20 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques) while playing cooperatively.
Co-op Elite Kills (35)
Kill 35 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques) while playing cooperatively.
Co-op Elite Kills (5)
Kill 5 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques) while playing cooperatively.
Co-op Elite Kills (50)
Kill 50 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques) while playing cooperatively.
Deep Pockets (10k)
Pickup 10,000 Gold.
Deep Pockets (500)
Pickup 500 gold.
Deep Pockets (5k)
Pickup 5,000 gold.
Elite Kills (10)
Kill 10 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques).
Elite Kills (20)
Kill 20 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques).
Elite Kills (35)
Kill 35 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques).
Elite Kills (5)
Kill 5 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques).
Elite Kills (50)
Kill 50 elite monsters (champions, rares or uniques).
Fall of the Black King (All Classes)
Kill the Skeleton King with all the classes.
Fall of the Black King (Barbarian)
Kill the Skeleton King with the Barbarian.
Fall of the Black King (Demon Hunter)
Kill the Skeleton King with the Demon Hunter.
Fall of the Black King (Monk)
Kill the Skeleton King with the Monk.
Fall of the Black King (Witch Doctor)
Kill the Skeleton King with the Witch Doctor.
Fall of the Black King (Wizard)
Kill the Skeleton King with the Wizard.
Gate Crasher
Kill all the zombies spawned after speaking to Rumford within 20 seconds.
Instant Karma
Have the Skeleton King kill 15 of his own minions in a single fight.
Iron Heart
Help the Blacksmith reach level 4.
Jar of Souls
Complete the Jar of Souls event.
Jar of Souls (Co-op)
Complete the Jar of Souls event in a cooperative game.
Level 10
Reach level 10 with any class.
Life Saver
Resurrect each of the classes while playing in a cooperative game.
Light Entertainment
Kill a monster with a Chandelier.
Massive Blow
Kill 20 Monsters in one hit.
Maxed Out (Barbarian)
Level a Barbarian to the maximum level in Beta (level 13).
Maxed Out (Demon Hunter)
Level a Demon Hunter to the maximum level in Beta (level 13).
Maxed Out (Monk)
Level a Monk to the maximum level in Beta (level 13).
Maxed Out (Witch Doctor)
Level a Witch Doctor to the maximum level in Beta (level 13).
Maxed Out (Wizard)
Level a Wizard to the maximum level in Beta (level 13).
Mind on the Metal
Teach a recipe to the Blacksmith.
Superior Craftsmanship
Craft an item.
The Legacy of Cain
Discover the fate of Deckard Cain.
The Legacy of Cain (Co-op)
Discover the fate of Deckard Cain in a cooperative game.
The Matriarch's Bones
Complete The Matriarch's Bones event.
The Matriach's Bones (Co-op)
Complete The Matriach's Bones event in a cooperative game.
Thorough Inspection
Explore all areas of the cathedral in Act 1.