1. To play faster, select the easiest difficulty level and select
arcade mode in the options section. In the arcade mode, all the player
has to do is collect the keys, cards, and other items and kill all
2. This walkthrough details the major paths of the game. You are
encouraged to explore all territories, and tryout the body simulation.
3. When you kill an opponent, always pick up any objects that the
body leaves behind.
4. In simulation mode: always check your body's parameters and
wounds to avoid death. There are more than 20 different causes of
death! Use of the medical kit and various medicines are explained in
the manual.
The Jungle
Arrival Point:
As you drop from the sky in your parachute, try to land near the
shed, avoiding the holes and the lake. After you land, defeat the
Indigen with your fist and pick up his knife and any other objects it
leaves behind. Enter the shed and pick up all objects , but leave the
parachute as it is no longer needed. Exit the shed and go north. A
bowman will then attack you. Pick up his bow and arrows after you
fight him with the knife. Go back towards the shed. Just south-east of
the shed is an Indigen with a spea r. Defeat him and take his spear,
then search for a knife wielding Indigen to the north-east near the
lake and another bowman in the south-east. After you have defeated
these Indigens, jump off the cliff to the East and swim to the
northern shore.
The Swamp:
As you enter this area, defeat the spear wielding Indigen, but
avoid the swamp zones. Put up the spear and the Nut Powder. (Nut
powder acts as an anti-venom from snake attacks -- in the simulation
mode only.) Walk to east, but be careful of the Pterodact yls. The bow
and arrow or the knife is the best weapons against this creature. Use
the knife to cut meat away from the dead pterodactyl to eat later.
Near this area is a large snake. You can also cut meat away from this
creature. Search the tree for a co coon, this will be used to make
torches later. To the East is a narrow passage. Through the passage
and to the North is a vegetable patch. Farther north is the tent
guarded by a snake. If you are hit by the snake, be sure to use the
anti-venom from the N ut Powder. Enter the tent and collect all
objects, then go west towards a village.
The Village:
As you approach the guarded entrance to the Indigen village, you
will be attacked by bowmen on the hills. You are to enter the village,
defeat all Indigens, and collect all objects in the five sheds. One
Indigen, the Terrorist, has map of a cavern. At th e village exit is
the Indigen chief, kill him and pick up his axes.
The Cannibals:
Defeat the bowman in the south-east and head to a passage in the
north-west. Overcome the cannibal and take a running jump over the gap
in the passage. Keep to the left as you travel through the passageway
until you come to the skeleton of Freud 77. Take the laser from the
remains of Freud77. Return to the gap and fry the cannibal chief and
take the laser cartridge from his body. Travel east destroying all who
get in your way and look for a tent. Kill the snake guarding the tent
and take all objects. To the West of the tent is body. Take all items
from the body, return to the crossroads and travel east to a small
Lizard Men:
Attack the lizardmen and use the knife to take their skins. To
the East is a passage with a dead body. Enter the passage avoiding the
falling rocks and take the machine gun and all other objects from the
body. Return to the plain and travel south-east, f ollowing the
mountains until you see tank and radar installation. Use the machine
gun, laser or grenade launcher to destroy the tank. Then approach the
radar station and switch it off. Return to the South-West killing more
lizardmen and collecting their skins. Go left at the crossroads, but
beware the bowmen as they have poisoned arrows. Kill the Lizard Chief
and get the cavern key and more lizard hide. Also pick up some clothes
and food found at the nearby lake. At the bottom of the lake is
skeleton wi th a remote control. Use some anti-venom before diving
into the lake.
After coming out of the lake, there is a small passage on the
left with a rift similar to the one encountered before. If you find
that you are too heavy to run and jump, leave some arrows and spears
behind. You can pick them up later. Past the rift is an other tank and
radar station to destroy and switch off. Return to the lake and head
southwest and the crossroads. To the North are more vegetables. To the
South is another gap, more vegetables and another tent. To the West is
yet another gap that is cove red by a tank to the North and lizard
bowmen. Destroy the tank and skin the lizards. In the mushroom patch
is body with various objects. You may also take some mushrooms, but
only a few are not poisoned. To the North is another radar station to
shut down . Return to the tent and head back towards the small plain.
You can now make clothes from the lizard hides. These hides will
protect you from cold water.
Take the narrow passage in the North and enter the shed on the
left. Be careful of the bowmen who are ready to ambush you. Near the
well is some quinine that you should eat before jumping into the well.
Save you game before diving.
The Cavern
Part One:
NB: You can not save the game while swimming in simulation mode.
You must have a full suit of lizard skins in order to survive the cold
Dive into the well and find a key. Remember to come up for air
when possible. Use the key to open the grill to get to the cavern on
the other side. Save your game once in the cavern. Do a medical check
of your body and remove any small animals attached t o your body.
Change out of your lizard suit and put on furs. Approach and kill the
dwarf, taking his axe. Open the next grill with the key from the
lizard chief. Attack the next dwarf and take his key. Past a third
dwarf is another grill that can be open ed from the dwarf key. Over
the bridge is the dwarf chief Aim for his unprotected foot and collect
his key. Travel over the next bridge, mind the broken boards. Attack
the next dwarf and collect all of the objects in the area. Travel back
to the bridge a nd go left. Light a torch, and look for a chain
leading to a lower level. Kill any dwarves in the area and use the
anti-venom if you are hit by any spiders. Move west once on the lower
level and go right at the crossroads. Take the jacket from the dead m
onk, and return to the crossroads. There are eggs just past the
crossroads that you can eat. To the West is a room with an elevator.
Travel up one level in the elevator, then text the elevator and take a
set of stairs up to a trapdoor.
Freud's Shed:
After entering Freud's shed, put out the torch and save the game.
Take everything you can find; checking under the bed, on the bed, and
on the shelves. There is a key on top of the shelves. Use the chair to
climb onto the chimney to get to the key. Use t his key to leave the
shed and head east for the jungle and mountains. Find the lift and put
on the furs again. Use the lift to travel up the mountain.
The Mountains:
Kill and skin all the yeti you meet. Turn off the radar station
just past a bridge and head north towards a second bridge. Be careful
as this bridge also has broken boards. Kill the pterodactyl and
approach the mine field. You can set off the mines by pl acing objects
on top of them. Past the mine field is a body with various items for
you to collect. Past the body there is an iron wall. If the four radar
units are switched off, then you should be able to go through the
door, else there will be lasers pr otecting the door. Beyond the door
are some temples. Near the second temple on the north-west corner is a
hidden button on a column. After pressing the button, put on the monk
jacket and enter the second temple.
Kill the monk in the temple and collect of items. Explore the
corridors and defeat all opponents. At the end of the corridor is
switch. After clicking on the switch, travel back to the large opened
corridor and enter the central temple chamber. Use the m achine gun to
kill the Master Monk and get the Base Map from him along with some
other valuable items. Go to the 1st temple entrance and use the remote
control to enter. Take off your furs if you are still wearing them and
put on the gas mask and infrare d gear. Enter the temple and move
through the corridors of lethal gas. Put on the lizard hide gloves and
click on the switch. Return to the central passage and enter the
central chamber. Avoid the Cyborg. Click on a small symbol on the
table and enter th e secret passage. Collect all items here and click
on the computer panel. This will power up the underground base. Return
to the central chamber and destroy the Cyborg. Take its batteries and
exit the temple. Put the furs back on and return to the cavern through
the trapdoor.
The Cavern
Part Two:
Return to the chain and use it to travel to the above cavern
path. This would be a good point to save your game. Find the trapeze
and use it get to the other side of the cavern. Attack the dwarf
chieftain and take his items. Fortify yourself with anti-ve nom and
enter the cavern maze through the small passage. Take the ammunition
from the dwarven corpse. Attack the robot tyrannosaur and pick up its
batteries and key. There is also a key near the a second corpse just
past a fissure in the rock. Move back to grill "GS" and open it with
the key you just found. Enter the next cavern and remember to use the
anti-venom to ward off poison from the spiders.
The Cavern
Part Three:
Dodge the falling rocks and jump over the gaps as you move
through this cavern. Climb down a large electrical wire, avoiding
shocks by moving right to left. Enter a large chamber and defeat
terrorist Nobel12 who is armed with a grenade launcher. Make sur e you
get his magnetic card. After killing Nobel12, look for the radiation
suit behind the large column near the elevator. Then activate the left
from the nearby control panel. Once the lift is activated, quickly run
up the stairs and jump onto the platf orm before it gets too high.
The Base:
Destroy the drones with the machine gun as they approach. As you
enter the room at the end of the corridor, three time bombs will be
activated. Disarm the bombs by disconnecting their wiring systems
which are found underwater. This is a good place to gat her and purify
more water. Climb back up to the platform from the bottom-right wall
of the room and collect the CM3 magnetic card and audio cartridge.
Listen to the instructions on the cartridge.
The Mobile Bridge:
You must use the magnetic card from Nobell2 to call the mobile
bridge. On the other side of the chasm, use the same card to open the
door and fight the samurai there. Collect his card and use the bridge
to explore the other positions. Above is terrorist Antigone4, whom you
must dispose of in order to get her card. Below is the armory where
you can stock up on more weapons. The last position takes you to Zone
Three of the prison.
Zone Three, The Prison:
Destroy all robots in the room and avoid the laser beams. Once
the beams are off, collect the batteries and magnetic cards from the
destroyed robots. On the left side of the room, enter each of the
cells using the cards. There are insane inmates in each cell. Dispose
of them and collect all items. In the last room you will find the
source of their madness. Use the sound-blocking helmet to protect you
from the hypnotic music. After you have defeated all opponents and
collected all items, put the lizard s kins and warm cloths on and
approach the sewer.
The Sewer:
Before entering the sewer, take some quinine. You can avoid the
lasers by diving under the water or jumping over them. There are also
monsters and piranhas within this area. Enter the underwater zone and
defeat the samurai. Move back up to Zone Three and get a magnetic card
from another samurai. Return to the base and enter Zone Two.
Zone Two: The Reactor:
Put on the radiation suit and light a torch. Enter the reactor
room with the CMT card. Switch on the reactor panel enabling a tube in
Zone Five. Leave the reactor room and do not try to kill the flying
drones. Remove the radiation suit and go to Zone Fiv e via the mobile
Zone Five: The Tube
Defeat the samurai guarding the entrance and destroy all flying
drones. Board the train when it arrives and proceed to the next
station. Save the game after you destroy more drones. In the next room
is the last terrorist: Cyberfranck.
After you enter the room to fight Cyberfranck collect all the
ammunition you can. The corners of the room are the safest place to
rest after taking a hit. Use your torpedoes first, then the
plasma-gun, finishing him off with the machine gun. Take the cyb org's
magnetic card and enter the shuttle launch pad. Hit the bright button
and enter the shuttle and have a good flight back to Earth. During the
landing sequence, your score will be displayed.
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