1. Cheat:
Call up the menu screen before taking off and press [F1]. Now
type: waterfall [Enter]. When you take off you will find that you are
invincible. If you now want to skip over that mission press Q then
land back on the carrier.
2. Tips:
Campaign 2: Mission 2:
Cannon the 'muzzle' flashing buildings near the jails and collect
the MIAs.
Mission 3:
Collect the SCUD commanders then launchers
Mission 6:
Shoot the APHIDs in the watch towers and collect the POWs keep a
look out for ZSUs
Campaign 3: Mission 1:
Hydra the two APHIDs attacking the UN boys and kill the ZSU.
Mission 3:
Destroy the silos before they missile you and reap supplies from
the dunes.
Mission 4:
Hit the enemy boats with siz Hydras.
Mission 6:
Blitz the defences and the Madman's yacht.
Mission 7:
Destroy everything around the flagged building.
Mission 8:
Get fuel and ammo at Embassy City. Land on the X. Get everyone in
the bus. Blow the gates and pick up the co-pilot from the SEAL post.
Campaign 4: Mission 1:
Hit the dump trucks in the city (bottom right).
Mission 5:
Take out the radar site south of the factory then the one
northeast of the landing zone.
Mission 7:
Get rid of the defences. Collect the extra life. Blitz the
building and land on the X.
Mission 8:
Get ammo and fuel. Shoot the bomber's wing. Collect your
co-pilot. Let rip and bingo!
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