Various cheats
While playing the game type Message will show
"Cheats activated". Then the following combinations of keys will
change the state of a cheat:
Hold down ~ and press :
C Send message to enemies.
Shift C Toggle availability of countermeasures for all ships.
K Kill target.
Shift K Destroy targeted subsystem.
Alt K 10% damage to yourself.
I Invulnerability.
Shift I Toggle invulnerability for target.
O Toggle Descent-style physics.
Shift W Infinite Weapons for ALL ships, including yours.
W Infinite weapons for just YOUR ship.
G Mark all primary goals complete.
Shift G Mark all secondary goals complete.
Alt G Mark all bonus goals complete.
9 Scroll forward through all secondary weapons.
Shift 9 Scroll backward through all secondary weapons.
0 Scroll forward through all primary weapons.
Shift 0 Scroll backward through all secondary weapons.
R Issue a rearm request for target.
Note: You CANNOT advance the mission if you activated the cheat
Go into one of the single missions and activate the unlimited
ammo cheat. Leave the single mission (you don't have to finish) and
return to the campaign. You will now have unlimited missiles and keep
the ability to advance in the campaign.
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