To activate the code type WWW.VOLITION-INC.COM, then hold the
tilde '~' key and type the following:
C Send message to enemies.
Shift C Toggle availability of countermeasures for all ships.
K Kill target.
Shift K Destroy targeted subsystem.
Alt K 10% damage to yourself.
I Invulnerability.
Shift I Toggle invulnerability for target.
O Toggle Descent-style physics.
Shift W Infinite Weapons for ALL ships, including yours.
W Infinite weapons for just YOUR ship.
G Mark all primary goals complete.
Shift G Mark all secondary goals complete.
Alt G Mark all bonus goals complete.
9 Scroll forward through all secondary weapons.
Shift 9 Scroll backward through all secondary weapons.
0 Scroll forward through all primary weapons.
Shift 0 Scroll backward through all secondary weapons.
R Issue a rearm request for target.
Note: You CANNOT advance the mission if you activated the cheat codes.
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