Cheat Codes
Shareware or Registered:
GABBAGABBAHEY Cheats enabled
SCOURGE WowieZowie Weapons
MITZI All Keys
RACERX Invulnerability On/Off!
GUILE Cloak On/Off!
TWILIGHT Shields Recharged!
FARMERJOE Warp to Which Level?
ALT-F Show full map
Registered only:
BIGRED Super WowieZowie Weapons!
BUGGIN Turbo Mode
BRUIN Extra Life
FLASH Exit Path Illuminated!
AHIMSA Robot Firing On/Off!
This is a new cheat in Descent v1.4:
Type ASTRAL to toggle Ghosty mode.
From version 1.4:
POBOYS Blow reactor
PORGYS Mega-Wowie-Zowie
LUNACY Robots move fast, fire seldom
PLETCHxxx Robot painting with texture xxx (001-999)
Undocumented Map features.
The following features are undocumented:
In the map, hold down "S" and move the control around. You can
pan the map this way.
If cheat codes are enabled, hit "Alt-F" in the map screen. The
entire map will appear.
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