Access All Cars & Tracks
At the name selection screen, enter BIG CHEAT, then enter your
normal name.
Access All Cars in Demolition League
At the name selection screen, enter LEAGUE CHEAT, then enter your
normal name.
Tip: When in the demolition derby arena, be as erratic as
possible. The other guys are bent on your ultimate destruction, and a
consistent target plays right into their evil hands.
Tip: If you have the opportunity, always choose a car with better
handling over a car with extra top speed or power. You have to do
anything you can to work your way around the game's horrid steering.
Tip: A keyboard or digital D-pad works better than an analog
joystick or wheel. Consider yourself advised.
Tip: You can use burned-out hulks as refuge; hide between one of
these and the wall, and the potential damage from any oncoming car
will be substantially deflected.
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