Debug Mode Cheats
To Enable Cheats Open the Game.prefs file with Notepad. This file
is located in My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod. Add the
following lines to the beginning of the file (above the 'profile =
{'): debug = { enable_debug_facilities = true } (do it without space
from the profile) Save the file, right click and choose properties.
Tick READ ONLY box You may now use any of the following cheat commands
while playing skirmish or tournament mode. The Enemy may or may not
have the cheat effect when enabled:
Cheat code: Effect:
[CTRL]+[ALT]+B 999.999 Gold (1Million)
[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+C Copy Unit / Structure
[Minus] Decrease game speed
[ALT]+N God Mode
[Plus] Increase game speed
[ALT]+F Instant level up to 20
[CTRL]+K Kill selected unit
[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+V Paste Unit / Structure
[CTRL]+[ALT]+Z Reveal Map
[ALT]+F2 Spawn any unit
[ALT]+T Teleport selected unit
[ALT]+A Toggle Opponent AI (untested)
[ALT]+V Wireframe mode
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