In the hunt view, push F2 to bring up command window at the top
of the screen and type in any of the following:
dh2baddream Bullets very slow
dh2bandoiler No need to reload
dh2bulletcam Camera follows bullet
dh2caddyshack No clipping - walk through things
dh2circle Trail deer's rear for easy kill
dh2deadeye Arrow/Bullet cam
dh2doolittle Deer won't run away
dh2deerzilla Huge deer
dh2flash Run very fast
dh2friday13 More blood when deer is shot
dh2honey Deer come to you
dh2magicbullet Bullet goes straight with camera
dh2shoedeal You'll never run out of breath
dh2shoot Takes you straight to a deer
dh2showsights Shows sight info
dh2sidewind Player only walks toward a deer
dh2sightin Sights gun automatically
dh2supaflash Run very, VERY fast!
dh2supatracker Show animals on map
dh2swig Stops gun wobble
dh2tracker Shows deer on the map and GPS
dh2wright Fly mode
dh2blizzard Cycles weather more quickly
dh2thunder Makes it thunder
dh2light Makes it lightning
dh2rain Makes it rain
dh2snow Makes it snow
dh2weatherstop Makes weather stop
camera set deer# See through deers eyes
camera set crow# See through crows eyes
camera set fox# See through foxes eyes
camera set player Brings you back to hunter
'#' sign refers to which animal you wish to 'see' through.
To turn off cheats, just repeat the process.
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