Locate deer
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhbambi
Lure deer towards you
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhdoeinheat
Deer can't see you
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhstealth
Deer don't run away after shot at
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhbuckdown
Attract a doe
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhdeermate
Better accuracy
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhrambo
Bigger bucks
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhbigbucks
Bigger deer
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhsportaxi
Call a Buck
To call a buck quickly, use the call once, rattle three or four
times, then call twice. You should see a buck in a few minutes.
Hit the deer anywhere and it will die
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhviper
Monster buck
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhmonsters
Playing Tip
When playing, always keep the wind blowing up. That way the deer
can't smell you.
Quiet Hunter
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhhunter
Reload faster
Enter this code at the overhead map screen: dhfastgun
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