You start in a Runabout heading for DS9 and you are attacked by
alien probes. The runabout was damaged when you get to DS9, you have
to help Odo fix the containment field before the cabin becomes flooded
with plasma. First look at the control panel behin d you until you
find that the Starfleet insignia comes up click on it the first to
vent the plasma. Look for the damage area and replace them by using
the side panels over the damaged ones. When you get to Ops on DS9 it
will be a little tricky moving aro und but after you I little while
you get the hang of it. Remember when going to see Dax that you go
behind her. Then turn to the left so you are facing her back. Then
after talking with her, go to Captain Sisko and talk to him so he can
turn on the turbo lites so you can leave Ops. In decoding the logs,
you must first translate the words of each color bar by using the
computer so you can understand them. Then place in this order Purple,
Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, and play back. This will give you Access t o
the logs. When ensign Yarrow is killed by the red liekotion and you
are able to kill him, you have to get the refraction device from him
before leaving so you can track the others. When you crash in the
citadel first thing you do is fix try to fix the transporter, check
the control panel it will tell you to manual reroute the ODN Conduit.
The easiest way of doing this is starting with blue and running it
straight down until you come to the bad switch. Then just go around it
by goingto the left then fi nish at the bottom. The next is the red,
move the switches so they go to the one that has nothing in the
center. Use this to get the beam to the other side. After this go
straight down to the bottom of the red connection to light the red.
Finish connection with White using the same way you did red all 3
beams will past though the one with nothing in the center of it.
Before leaving the runabout remember to get a phaser from the back
cabinet. The best way to ge t though the Maze. The maze has five door
one you came in and the others you have to go to but in the right
order and there are probes that fire at you in the maze. The best way
I found to solve it is first head for the center of the maze saving
the game once a move. Then head up until you find the turbolift that
takes you to the power transfer room. At the power room there will be
two working panels which have symbols that look like the probes, click
on both of then one time and you will have turned th e probes in the
maze OFF.
Then go back to the maze and head back the way you came until you
see two doors, one has a green panel from the door you came in from.
Head for the other, go in though the door and activate the first
generator. Then from that door you can see the other s ide of the
maze. Head for the door that is straight across from the door you are
at and you will find the generator. Generator 2 is there turn it on,
and then head back to then center of the maze to the power room. In
the power room all the panels you ne ed are now working. The center of
each panel is the only thing you need to make this work. First find
the panel with pink in the center, click on it, then find the other
panel with pink in the center click on that. You will then see a pink
arc in the cen ter of the control. Do the same thing with the yellow
panels and see the yellow arc then with blue panels and get the blue
arc. Then press the green panels and get a green arc and you will see
a different type of arc. Move to the red panels, they are the ones
used to turn the probes off. Click on both red panels, and the control
panel will short out. Along with thatnporter. How to open the Gate
near the runabout The lock is divided up into 4 parts. You only need
to use 3 to open the door. Top left click on big symbols one time.
Bottom left click on symbols N.B 2. Bottom right click on symbols N.B
2. The door will open. You are past the door and are know standing in
a room that has 3 doors. First go to the door that is straight a head,
open it and walk through. You will see a control panel on one of the
sides. Move to it and click on it. You will see a brig appear there
but when you let go it disappears. Next go back to the room you where
in there are two doors left. The one to the left has a panel wit h 3
symbols each one show you different types of probes. This room has NO
importance to playing this games.
The door to the right is important so go there first walk in and
you will see a room that look like a bed room in this room if you look
hard you will find Quark. He Hide on your Runabout with one of the
refraction devices. You need to get his help so you can get across the
bridge in the first room you went in to. When you cross the bridge
there will be probes firing at you so be careful and remember to save
before starting across. When you are across you will walk in to a room
with a panel in the center of it I found no use for this panel. Next
look for stairs walk up them and you will find and other bridge that
goes across. It take you back where you where when you got through the
maze so do not cross it yet. First turn back around and you will see
mo re stairs going up. Take the stairs up and you will find the
computer room move in the center on the room and a Holo-Program comes
up and ask you question. Ask him to build you a ship.
Ask him to let you talk to master control and he will ask you for
the words of access. You find the words by heading back to
communication room and talking with the odo andthe others. Now is when
you use the second bridge as a short cut to communications . The words
are: Invoke Master Control but you have to make the trip any way. DO
NOT Invoke tactical or you will end up DEAD. After you invoke Master
Control he is going to want you to head back to communication To Rout
Communication back to the room tha t he is in so he can talk to his
children. To do this head back to the communication take to odo then
click on the panel. 5 Symbols will appear; 2 on the left 1 in the
middle 2 on the right. Click on the one inthe middle and you will have
done it, then h ead back to master control Next, find Quark because
you are going to need his reflection device to fool the tactical
Holo-program. The Device has 2 settings, one invisibility and
reflection. You will need to use the reflection setting to fool the
tactica l holo-program. At this point you are about 10 to 15 min from
the end of the game . This walkthru should have all the information
you need to finish the game. If you get stuck some place and need help
feel free to E-mail with any question.
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