Open the suit case - Take the picklock - Take the syringe - Open
the door.
Use the picklock with the door of Stefano's bedroom - Open the
drawer - Take the foto - Open the door.
Go to the staircase - Open the door to the dining room - Take the
Open the door to the kitchen - Take the biscuits - Open the door.
Open the door to the drawing room - Use the foto with the trestle
- Use the biscuits with the parrot (384756) - Go to the staircase.
Use the door of Giada's bedroom - Take the painting - Open the
safe (384756) - Use the painting whit the safe - Open the door.
Go to the staircase - Use the picklock with the door of Marta's
bedroom - Open the last drawer - Take the diary - Examine the diary -
Open the door.
Go to the door mat - Go to the first passage - Go to the second
passage - Take the bottle - Open the door - Take the icicle - Go to
the second passage - Use the ice with the dishes - Open the door - Go
to the first passage.
Open the door to the main entrance - Open the door to the dining
room - Open the door to the kitchen - Open the drawer - Take the key -
Open the side board - Take the sugar - Open the door.
Open the door to the drawing room - Go to the door mat - Go to
the passage - Go to the second passage - Take the matches - Use the
matches with the candle - Open the door.
Use the key with the door - Take the trap - Take the log - Take
the ring - Open the door - Go to the first passage.
Open the door to the main entrance - Speak to Andrea about :
"Marta" - Go to the door mat - Open the door to the air cable way -
Speak to Giorgio about : "The hiring of Marta", "The spleens of
Marta", "Diana's call" - Open the door.
Open the door to the main entrance - Open the door to the dining
room - Open the door to the kitchen - Speak to Marta about the
"Diana's call" and Show the log - Open the door - Open the door to the
drawing room.
Go to the staircase - Use the door of the Monica's bedroom -
Speak to Monica and Give the bottle - Open the door.
Go to the staircase - Use the door of the Marta's bedroom - Speak
to Marta - Use the syringe with Marta - Open the door - Go to the door
mat. Open the door to the air cable way - Take the screwdriver - Open
the door - Open the door to the main entrance - Go to the staircase.
Use the door to the bathroom - Use the screwdriver with the
mirror - Examine the tile - Examine the sign - Use the exit icon - Use
the screwdriver with the mirror - Open the door.
Use the door of the Marta's bedroom - Open the beauty case - Open
the door.
Go to the staircase - Go to the billiard room - Use the billiard
marker - Open the door - Go to the staircase.
Use the door of the Anna's bedroom - Speak to Anna about :
"Stefano", "The marriage with Diana" - Open the door - Go to the
Open the door to the dining room - Open the door to the kitchen -
Take the cheese - Open the door to the dining room - Go to the drawing
Use the door to the bathroom - Use the cheese with the trap - Use
the trap with the hole of the mouse - Open the door.
Open the door to the billiard room - Examine the litigants - Open
the door.
Go to the staircase - Use the door of the Giada's bedroom - Speak
to Giada about "The quarrel" - Open the hand bag - Open the door - Go
to the staircase.
Use the door to the bathroom - Take the trap (with mouse) - Open
the door.
Go to the staircase - Use the door of the Anna's bedroom - Speak
to Anna and Show the mouse - Open the wardrobe - Open the beautycase -
Open the door.
Use the door to the bathroom - Use the screwdriver with the
mirror - Examine the tile - Use Monica's lipstick on the tile - Use
Giada's lipstick on the tile - Use Anna's lipstick on the tile -
Examine the Anna's lipstick on the tile - Use the exit icon - Use the
screwdriver with the mirror - Open the door - Go to the staircase.
Open the door to the dining room - Take the bolt - Open the piece
of forniture - Open the tools bag - Open the door to the drawing room
- Go to the door mat.
Open the door to the air cable way - Use the monkey wrench with
the parcel - Take the jewels (animation) - Open the door.
Examine the police helicopter - Open the fuel tank plug - Use the
sugar with the fuel tank plug - Go to the passage.
Open the door - Take the skis - Use the skis. (END)
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