Karoke Mode
Set the number of laps in options to normal, then choose arcade
mode. Select track while holding Up + Accelerate.
Old Theme Songs From the Original Sega
Place high enough to enter you initials, enter old sega titles,
for example: O.R (Out Run), S.H (Space Harrier), A.B (Afterburner).
But remember to use two letters with a period in between.
Mirror Mode
Choose PC Mode, and at the Track Selection screen, hold Spacebar
and the tracks will turn around. Keep Space held down and press
Make the Tires Disappear in the Demo
Begin a game, enter the pit. When the tires are off, press Alt +
R, then let the demo run.
Time Lap Mode & Helicopter View
Choose PC mode, then choose a track. Hold Spacebar while
selecting a car. You're now in Time Lap mode. After finishing, chooose
Yes to watch the replay. Press F9 at any time to see the race in
helicopter view.
Draw First Car Closer
At any point, hold down the 6th joypad button.
Gamble For Time
Near the gambling machine bridge, press the 4th gamepad button 3
times. If you get 777 you will get 7 seconds extra, and if you get bar
bar bar you will get 5 seconds extra.
All Cars
At the Title screen and using the Microsoft Sidewinder Gamepad,
press Up/Left + A + B + X + Z.
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