Complete solution:
In the beginning....:
There is Bernard and his trusty friends standing in the hallway
of the motel. After Hoagie and Laverne wander off open the clock and
use the secret passage. Watch the cut-sequence and then pick up the
battery patent from the To Do board behind the hampster generator.
Another cut-sequence begins.
Switch to Hoagie by clicking on his picture. Walk left. Enter the
house then go through the double doors into the kitchen. Walk through
the swinging door. Go to the right-hand cabinet and pick up the brush,
then pick up the bucket on the floor. Return to the kitchen and use
the bucket with the water pump to fill it with water. Pick up the oil
and the spaghetti jar before going back through the double doors.
Go up the chimney and through the left window from the roof. Pick
up the paint and go through the trap-door pass the horse and down to
the first floor. Enter the first room (the one with the kite plans on
the wall) and pick up the bottle of wine.
Leave to go to the last room of the three (George's room). Use
the bed in order to crumple it up then pull the cord. When the maid
appears have a chat and then leave taking the soap from the maid's
trolley just outside the room. Use the soap with the bottle of water.
Go down the stairs and give the bottle of wine to Thomas
Jefferson - watch as he sticks it in his time capsule.
Leave the house and go to the outhouses. Use the red paint on the
tree and then return to where the carriage is. Use the soapy water on
the carriage and then enjoy the cut-sequence.
Open the mail-box just outside the house and take the letter -
send this to Bernard through the Chron-o-John. Amble into the house
and go through the grandfather clock to gain access to Red Edison's
secret laboratory. Give Red the battery plans and the oil and pick up
the left-handed hammer. Return to the main hall and talk to George
Washington about cherry trees - telling him that he's past it when you
get the option. He rushes out of the house and lops down the kumquat
tree thus freeing Lavern 400 years in the future. Click on Bernard's
ugly mug.
Give the text book to Hoagie. Go up to the office. Open the
drawer and pick up the Booboo-B-Gone. Pick up the Swiss bank-book.
Return to the hall and pick up the dime from the pay phone. The flier
from the noticeboard and the Help Wanted sign from the window. Send
the last couple of items to Hoagie.
Go into the kitchen. Pick up the fork and both coffee jugs. Go
into the washroom and take the funnel from the empty cabinet. Return
to the hall. Open the grate and walk to the vat of teeth after sharing
a cigar with the salesman. Chase the set of teeth towards the grate
and pick them up when they become trapped. Go to the first room
upstairs where the fat bloke is snoring. Close the door and take the
keys from the lock before leaving the room and entering the one next
to it. Have a chat with Dwayne the novelty goods salesman and then
give him the letter from Hoagie. Pick up the fake gun and the
disappearing ink and then walk through into the next room.
Pick up the video tape and push the right-hand speaker. Use the
On button to get the stereo kicking out some sound and the fake barf
falls off the ceiling downstairs as a result of the vibration. Leave
and go upstairs to Weird Edison's room. Speak with him and pick up the
hammer before taking your life into your hands and using the
disappearing ink with his precious stamp collection. When the dust has
settled pick up the stamp and appease Wierd Ed by giving back his
album. Cross the landing to Edna's room and switch to...
Have a quick chitchat with the horse before going into the room
opposite him. Talk to Ned. Use the left-handed hammer with the
right-handed one that Ned is using. Ned and Jed swap places. Jed
starts to sculpt and the statue in Bernard's time period changes
slightly. Switch back to...
Give Edna a quick kick (use the Push icon) and she flies out of
the room. Use the video tape with the VCR. Go down to the secret lab
and give Dr Fred some of the decaf coffee - he falls asleep and
sleep-walks off to the office where he starts twiddling the safe dial.
Return to the video in Edna's room and watch the monitor. Press the
Record button and watch as Dr Fred is taken by the Inland Revenue
chaps. Then click on the Rewind button. Click on the Speed button (at
the right-hand side of the monitor) and watch the film by pressing
Play. Go down to the office and open the safe - taking the contract
from within. Go up to the roof using the chimney. Pick up the crank
and then go through the window. Now it's time for a stint with ...
Talk to the Tentacle Guard and tell him that you need the toilet.
He takes you out of the jail and outside close to the Chron-o-John and
use it to send the scalpel to ...
Give the fork the Booboo-B-Gone and the crank to Laverne.
Walk back to the Tentacle Guard and get locked up. When you're
back in jail talk to the Guard and tell him you feel sick. Dr Tentacle
looks at you and leaves the room so you can pick up the Tentacle Chart
from the wall. Walk out of the room and turn right - you get locked up
again but you can get out by telling the Guard that you need the loo.
Then when you're outside flush he Tentacle Chart to ....
Go into the room which contaions the sewing machine and talk to
the lady there. At this point you need to put the Tentacle Chart with
the flag plans on the table. After you've done that give the spaghetti
and the can-opener to...
Get locked up then tell the Guard that you feel ill again. Leave
the surgery and walk through to the main room and go up the chimney.
Use the crank with the crank box at the bottom of the flagpole and
then crank the crank. Pick up the flag and use it to disguise yourself
as a Tentacle - you're now free to roam around. Go back down the
chimney and talk to the blue Tentacle on the right. He gives you a
name tag to use in the human beauty show.
Go upstairs and into the first room that you come across. Use the
can-opener on the time capsule. Pick up the vinegar and give it to
Hoagie. Walk into the next room along. Pick up the roller skates and
extension cord and then use the roller skates with the mummy and push
it. Walk to the ice machine.
Pull the rope to untie Dr Fred and then pick the rope up. Go out
of the window and use the rope with the pulley before going back down
the chimney and outside the hotel. Tie the rope to the mummy. Go back
up the chimney and pull the rope. Go through the window and use the
red paint with the mummy. Then use the mummy with Dr Fred. Use the
rope with Dr Fred. Go outside and pull the rope.
Go to the lab and use the funnel with Dr Fred - then use the
coffee (not the decaf) with the funnel. Dr Fred wakes up so have a
chat with him asking him to sign the contract. He refuses so tell him
you'll save the human race yourself. Tell him you've offered the
Purple Tentacle a bribe and he signs the contract thinking it's a
cheque. Use the stamp with the contract and send it to....
Go outside and place the contract in the post-box and sit back to
watch the cut-sequence.
Go up to the fat bloke's room and use the TV. Now that you're
rich you can use the phone to order the diamond. After that you can
sit back and watch the cut-sequence that follows.
Go outside and give the keys to the man in the ski mask - he
gives you a crowbar in return. Return to the foyer and use the
crow-bar with the gum that has the dime stuck in it. Pick up the gun
and the fake barf. Go upstairs and put the hampster in the icebox then
go to the fat bloke's room and put both of the dimes in the dime slot.
Pick up the sweater. Go outside and use the crow-bar with the candy
machine. Pick up the quarters...all of them and go to the utility
room. Stick the jumper in the dryer and the quarters in the dryer's
coin slot.
Go to the main room and stab Oozo the clown with the scalpel.
Pick up the Box o' Laughs. Use the flag gun with the cigar lighter on
the table of junk and then talk to the cigar salesman. Have another
cigar and then give it along with the lighter and teeth to Hoagie.
When you've done that give the fake barf and the Box o' Laughs to
Give the cigar to George Washington and watch as it blows his
teeth out. When he asks you to get them for him give him the
chattering ones. Then watch the cut- sequence.
Then pick up the blanket and go up the stairs to the roof - use
the blanket on the chimney. Watch the next cut-sequence. Go back to
the main hall and pick up the gold quilled pen - then go down to the
cellar and give the pen and the vinegar to Red Edison. Watch the
cut-sequence. Give Red the Help Wanted sign and pick up the lab coat
and the battery. Go to the first floor and into Ben Franklin's room.
Give him the lab coat.
Watch the cut-sequence. Before you push the kite put the battery
in the coat pocket. Watch the next cut-sequence and pick up the
battery. Now...hold your breath and plug the battery into the
Pick up the frozen hampster from the ice-box and take it to the
microwave. Defrost the hampster in the microwave and then go to the
utility room and take the miniature sweater out of the tumble-drier
placing it on the bedragled rodent. Go to the hall and use the
name-tag on the mummy. Walk outside and use the Booboo-B-Gone with the
fence above the cat before going up to the Chron-o- John and using the
extension cable with the window.
Go to the horse on the second floor and read him a section from
the text-book. When he falls asleep pick up his dentures and walk up
to the cat in the loft. Use Ned's bed and then use the squeaky
mattress with Jed's bed. Use the squeaky mattress to distract the cat
and then run over and pick up the mouse toy. Give the mouse toy and
the dentures to ....
Use the mouse toy with the cat and go upstairs to the top floor.
Use the dentures - the Box o' Laughs and the soggy noodles with the
mummy's head and then use the fake barf with Harold. Watch the
cut-scene. Talk to the judges and get them to judge the various
aspects of the competition. The mummy wins the competition and you are
given a dinner certificate which you should immediately take and give
to the jail guard. Use the switch to release the Edison family and
when they refuse to move use the cat. They run off with the clock
guard in hot pursuit giving you a chance to open the clock and descend
into the cellar. When you get there use the hampster with the hampster
Go into the main hall and use the flier with the suggestion box
thus amending the constitution so that every home has a vacuum cleaner
in its basement. Now switch back to ...
Use the vacuum with the mouse hole. Open the hatch and pick up
the dust ball. Use the dustball - aka the hampster - with the hampster
generator. Plug in the extension cord and get ready for the cut-scene.
All the gang together:
When all three characters are united in body and soul go to the
room to the right of the candy machine and open the door. Purple
Tentacle zaps you with his ray-gun making you shrink which gives you
the chance to run into the mouse hole You emerge in Green Tentacles
room where you must pick up the bowling ball before going down to the
Use the bowling ball with the crop of Purple Tentacles beforen
Purple appears and zaps you with his gun again. Talk to him -
questioning him as to what he's got against humans. Tell him that it
sounds like Dr Fred's fault and that he's pretty handy with the
ray-gun. Perhaps he should shoot Dr Fred? When he does the bolt is
reflected and Purple gets shrunk. There's the final cut-scene to sit
through. And that's it.
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