To use any of the codes you must start the game with the command
-k911 Simply add the -k911 command after the startup command dsun like
this dsun -k911 Note: do not use ravager to start the game you must
use dsun fallowed by the cheet commands
The following are other comand line parameters used after the -k911
example (dsun -k911 -s -p -m -a)
-s -Will start you out with all of the spells
-p -will start you out with all of the psyonics
-m -no music
-a -no intro
The following is a list of keys to hit durring the game:
T -will raise the level of the entire party by one
t -will raise the level of one character during his turn in combat
m/M -will memorize all of the spells
alt F2 -will make the party the god party (AWESOME)
alt F4 -will make the spellcasters memorize all spells
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