At the game menu, type SS ADN, then type in these codes:
DARKINV Invulnerability
DARK20000 Money Value of 20000
There's another level after the 12th one : Death Blow. To
activate it, go to the level selection screen and click on the spiral
after you've completed Level 12.
Edit Attributes
Edit a file called 'units.txt' in ..darkreigndarkdeftxt
directory. Search for the Freedom Guard tank settings. Look for the
'Setstrength' entry and set your units strength to around 500. There
is another field which sets the price and buildtime set this to say
'50 1'. This will give you cheap tough tanks for around 50 credits and
they will be built really quickly.
Note: You can do the same for the spyder bikes and tank hunters.
Also there is a file called 'build.txt' which you can set the
cost and increase the toughness of your buildings in the same way.
This works for all missions up to the 6th one. This is because there
is a dedicated dir and units.txt file for this scenario which you have
to also edit in the same way.
Select Any Mission
In the game directory path 'Dark ReignDarkShell', you'll find a
file called 'shellcgf.h'. Right click on it and select properties and
then uncheck the 'read only' box. In this text file you'll find a
section called 'menu mission buttons' under which you will see the
line '#define BTN_MISSION_COEFFICIENT 150'. Change the value '150' to
the value '157' so that the line reads '#define
BTN_MISSION_COEFFICIENT 157'. Now when you run the game, you'll be
able to select any mission from the dial in the shell by pressing the
new 'cheat' button in the bottom left corner.
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Увидел игру в сборнике игр в далёком 1998 году, сразу заинтересовался. Не поленился - через год купил лицензию на русском. Dark Reign понравилась тем, что сразу её не пройдёшь, а если прошел, то гордишься потом долго. Не знаю как другие, я максимум доходил до десятой миссии, больше не смог. Друзья вообще не хотят играть, графика плохая говорят, а для меня главное - сюжет и идея. Спасибо, что ещё помните такие игры, может, на днях попробую опять начать.
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