Access cards
Hold [Ctrl] and type АaxesБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Alternate view
Hold [Ctrl] and type АphishБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Complete mission objectives
Hold [Ctrl] and type АqedБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Extraction zone area
Hold [Ctrl] and type АextБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Field of view is 170 degrees
Hold [Ctrl] and type АvomitБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Hold [Ctrl] and type АtoztБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Freeze opponents
Hold [Ctrl] and type АklatuБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Full armor
Hold [Ctrl] and type АarmБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
God mode
Hold [Ctrl] and type АatheistБ during game. (The sound of
breaking glass confirms correct entry.)
Hold [Ctrl] and type АhorseБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Infrared vision
Hold [Ctrl] and type АacidБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Locations displayed on map
Hold [Ctrl] and type АblueБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
M-16 machine gun with ammunition
Hold [Ctrl] and type АxseБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
MP5N machine gun with ammunition
Hold [Ctrl] and type АventБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Mandatory suicide missions
Hold [Alt] + M at the main menu.
Opponents and items displayed on map
Hold [Ctrl] and type АgodeyeБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Opponents are green dots, while items are white dots on map.
Hold [Ctrl] and type АoxyБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Restore health of squad members
Hold [Ctrl] and type АphnxБ or АmedicБ during game. (The sound of
breaking glass confirms correct entry.)
Restore your health
Hold [Ctrl] and type АhellБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Rocket gun with ammunition
Hold [Ctrl] and type АdethБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Select mission
Hold [Alt] + [Ctrl] at the main menu.
Skip mission
Hold [Ctrl] and type АsoiaБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Slay squad member 1
Hold [Ctrl] and type АksaБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Slay squad member 2
Hold [Ctrl] and type АksbБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Slay squad member 3
Hold [Ctrl] and type АkscБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Slay squad member 4
Hold [Ctrl] and type АksdБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Squad members go berserk
Hold [Ctrl] and type АhdcsБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Squad members possess all weapons
Hold [Ctrl] and type АthrillБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Squad members revolt
Hold [Ctrl] and type АnimrodБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Squad members talk
Hold [Ctrl] and type АchatБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Super jump
Hold [Ctrl] and type АasdБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Two pistols with ammunition
Hold [Ctrl] and type АwooБ during game. (The sound of breaking
glass confirms correct entry.)
Two shotguns with ammunition
Hold [Ctrl] and type АfreedomБ during game. (The sound of
breaking glass confirms correct entry.)
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