Various cheats
To use the Daikatana cheat codes, start the game with the command
line parameter as +set console 1
When in the game, press ~ to bring up the console and type in
your desired code.
Code code: Effect:
weapon_give_1 Add Weapon 1
weapon_give_2 Add Weapon 2
weapon_give_3 Add Weapon 3
weapon_give_4 Add Weapon 4
weapon_give_5 Add Weapon 5
weapon_give_6 Add Weapon 6
weapon_give_7 Add Weapon 7
weapon_give_8 Add Weapon 8
weapon_give_9 Add Weapon 9
weapon_give_10 Add Weapon 10
god God Mode
boost all Boost Attributes
health 10 Increase Health by 10
health 100 Increase Health by 100
health 1000 Increase Health by 1,000
health 10000 Increase Health by 10,000
health 100000 Increase Health by 100,000
health 1000000 Increase Health by 1,000,000
g_unlimited_ammo 1 Infinite Ammo
notarget Invisibility
massacre Kill All Enemies
rampage Rampage
noclip No Clipping
cam_nextmon Focus Camera on Next Enemy
cam_toggle Toggle Camera
screenshot Take a Screenshot
cheats 0 Disable All Cheats
boost power Increase power
boost attack Increase attack
boost speed Increase speed
boost acro Increase acro
boost vitality Increase vitality
cam_nextsidekick Camera focuses on next sidekick
timescale [#] Change game speed, 1.0 is default
map [level name] Level select
bind [key and command] Binds command to key
connect [server] Select game server
developer [0 or 1] Toggle game engine messages
flushmap [0 or 1] Toggle clean map load
r_speeds [0 or 1] Toggle rendering speed display
r_drawflat [0 or 1] Toggle flat-shaded polygons
r_fullbright [0 or 1] Toggle surface lightmaps
gl_polylines [0 or 1] Toggle line drawing
E1M1A Marsch 1
E1M1B arsch 2
E1M1C Marsch 3
E1M2A Sewer System 1
E1M2B Sewer System 2
E1M3A Solitary 1
E1M3B Solitary 2
E1M4A Crematorium 1
E1M4B Crematorium 2
E1M4C Crematorium 3
E1M5A Processing 1
E1M5B Processing 2
E1M6A Icelab 1
E1M6B Icelab 2
E1M6C Icelab 3
E1M7A Vault 1
E1M7B Vault 2
E2M1A Lemnos Isle 1
E2M1B Lemnos Isle 2
E2M1C Lemnos Isle 3
E2M2A Catacomb 1
E2M2B Catacomb 2
E2M2C Catacomb 3
E2M3A Athens 1
E2M3B Athens 2
E2M3C Athens 3
E2M4A Acropolis 1
E2M4B Acropolis 2
E2M4C Acropolis 3
E2M4D Acropolis 4
E2M4E Acropolis 5
E2M5A Lair of Medusa 1
E2M5B Lair of Medusa 2
E2M5C Lair of Medusa 3
E2M5D Lair of Medusa 4
E2M5E Lair of Medusa 5
E3M1A Plague Village 1
E3M1B Plague Village 2
E3M1C Plague Village 3
E3M2A Passage 1
E3M3A Dungeon 1
E3M3B Dungeon 2
E3M3C Dungeon 3
E3M4A Wyndrax Tower 1
E3M4B Wyndrax Tower 2
E3M5A Crypt of Nharre 1
E3M6A Gharroth's Throne 1
E4M1A Alcatraz 1
E4M1B Alcatraz 2
E4M1C Alcatraz 3
E4M2A Beneath the Rock 1
E4M2B Beneath the Rock 2
E4M3A Tower of Crime 1
E4M3B Tower of Crime 2
E4M3C Tower of Crime 3
E4M4A Mishima Labs 1
E4M4B Mishima Labs 2
E4M4C Mishima Labs 3
E4M5A Mishima's Hideout 1
E4M6A S.E.A.L. Training Center 1
E4M6B S.E.A.L. Training Center 2
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