To get all your stats as high as you want:
Click on your portrait. Next, click on one of your stats -
strength, agility, endurance, etc. After you do that, click on the up
arrow to add your bonus points when you gain a level. Add all you can,
then exit. You can do this as many times as you want. Here is a good
one to get you started. When you are customizing a new character, pick
the Elves with Invulnerability to Paralysis. Then choose the handicap
Critical Weakness:Paralysis. The weakness will be cancelled by the
immunity, but you will still get the bonus for choosing that weakness.
To get items from the stores for free, go to a shop, loiter till a
little after midnight, save, then load that game. The shop keeper
should be gone and everything on the shelves is free!
Here's a way to get quite a bit of cash. Do the 'loiter in a
store' cheat. Make sure it is a general store. Find a shelf, take
everything, and sell it back to the shopkeeper! Then , click on the
same shelf. The horse and cart will always be there! Take them, click
on the shelf, get about 20 of both. Then , sell them to the
shopkeeper! This guarantees a great amount of cash (most in letters of
You want to get rich fast? Go into any tavern with treasure in
the attic, pick up the treasure, and save the game. Then, load the
game and the treasure will re-appear! You can get all kinds of stuff,
including things that are worth up to 8000 gold pieces! It helps to
have a horse and cart...
When making spells in the spellmaker - Putting a $ before the
spell name greatly reduces the spell casting cost after purchase.
Casting an area affect spell centered on you when you have spell
absorption gives you back most of the spellpoints when cast
Go to the Odd Blades of Daggerfall (the town) and loiter for 3
hours, then loiter for 3 hours again, then loiter for 3 hours again.
After doing this, save and load the game. If the shopkeeper is gone
(if he isn't, you probably looked at the shelves earlier that day)
look at the shelves and there should be AWESOME WEAPONS!!!!
If you feel that weapons and armor weigh too much here's a neat
little trick. Go to any weapon store and click on the shelf you wish
to view. Now open your wagon menu. The wagon menu will be to the left
and the items menu will be to the right. Select the weapon or armor
you want and it will go to your wagon. Select it again from your wagon
and you will equip it. Pay for the item (or steal it if you feel
confident). You'll have the weapon/armor equipped, but the weight will
stay on the wagon. You can use this for other items too, but weapons
and armor weigh you down the most.
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