Remember to stop off and look at the scenery for additional
visual effects Entry room: turn around & experience vision. Turn
around again & exit through door on far left. Climb stairs & enter
room directly in front (door on left has graphic scene but no puzzle).
Move to chest of drawers. Open drawer I and get paper. Move to fir
eplace & get key. Exit room and return to entry room. Turn right,
forward, then left. Use paper on bowl sitting on table. Roman numerals
IV & II appear. Return to room with drawers. Open drawer IV, then
drawer II & get wheelbrace. Descend stairs, turn left into room with
barrel. Turn right & try to walk forward (animation of spikes - near
miss). Turn left & use wheelbrace on barrel & spikes will slide back
in place. Go forward & descend stairs to door with '78' written on it
(lock ed). Return to entry room & walk forward & use fireplace key to
open locked door facing you. Enter room and turn left. Go forward
(twice) and use machine to dial up '78' (difficult to stop dials at
right place - persevere. Stop left dial at '9' & will turn to '7';
stop right dial at '1' & will turn to '8'). The machine opens - get
ring. Return t o '78' door stopping off to look in mirror for a
vision. Open door with ring. Descend stairs (animation scene from
Indiana Jones complete with rolling ball).Enter room and head towards
picture of young girl. Look at it & see vision of 4 animals - deer at
front. Walk around room & approach object on table to left of exit
door (lock ed). Turn object until deer picture is directly to the
front. Then open exit door. Enter room and move to door directly in
front of you. Open it & enter. Move forwards & get yellow key from
skeletal hand. Return to room with picture of girl. Move around until
you can approach desk. Open desk drawer with yellow key & get book.
Exit room to big room with busts & bookcase. Move around & approach
bookcase. Put book in bookcase (opens secret stairway). Ascend stair &
enter circular room with machine (CD No. 2). Turn wheel on machine 10
times. Turn around & descend stair to armor room with pit. You are
attacked by knight (watch bottom of screen for highlighted arrow
keys). Quickly turn left when arrow k ey is highlighted, then right
(after highlight), then left again (another highlight), then hit
spacebar (last highlight). You push knight in pit & get sword. (If he
pushes you in the pit, climb ladder & try to dodge again). Return to
circular room & turn wheel 7 times. Turn around. Ascend stair, move
forward, then left. Open locked door with sword. Climb stair &
approach telescope. Turn right & turn telescope attachment to symbol
of bow & arrow. Turn left & look through tel escope. Note color of
stars (Sagitarius - green). Turn right & adjust attachment to pair of
wavy lines. Turn right & use telescope again (Aquarius - light blue).
Descend tower & exit. Turn right & approach Sagitarius statue, then
press green button. Approach Aquarius statue and press light-blue
button. See vision of rising chest on water from spiked pit. Return to
circular room & turn wheel 10 times. Turn around & descend stairs.
Turn left and open chest - get gun. Return to circular room. Turn
wheel 3 times. Turn around and approach stained-glass window. Fire
gun. Window breaks & animation scene of you climbing tower & entering
window. Turn around & walk forward. Turn right & look at wall (secret
passage opens). (Can also go to end of corridor before entering secret
passage to receive vision). Approach machine. Use switches & button to
move red ball on left wheel to centre right of left wheel. Use
switches & button to move right wheel only to pick up red ball.
Machine moves back opening up stairway. Ascend stair & confront your
father. He tells you the family history. You have the blood of Dracula
in your veins (hence 'D' ?) and as a child you killed & ate your
mother (yuk!!). Your Dad wants to eat your flesh & starts to change
into a monster. Fire gun at him. Goodbye Dad (can you kill Vampires
with bullets?). Cry over his dead body while the credits roll. What
happens to Laura now????
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