Infinite Firestorm Wall
If you have a firestorm wall and it is fully charged, you can
make it last forever without having to turn it off to charge. First
charge your wall fully, then turn it on. Before it turns off or runs
out of power sell or turn off your power plants until t he words "On
Hold" appear in the firestorm Icon. Your wall will stay on forever and
will not run out of power until you build or turn on your power
Level 9 Hint
At this moment the most asked question is: "How do I get behind
the lasercannon ( The Obelisk of light )". Well, at the right of the
cannon there is a small base with a 'hand of NOD' building and a few
powerplants. First of all you must destroy the units on that base.
After that, destroy all the powerplants so that the NOD has low power.
Then you can pass the lasercannon or you can destroy it. When you go
to the top of the map there is a base you can capture. Capture it and
destroy all NOD units.
Easy Way To Capture Construction Yard
To capture the enemy construction yard while you are the Nod,
Build a subterranean APC and put some engineers into it. Then tell it
to go to the enemies base and unload the engineers to capture the
Infinite Troops
During the second mission build exactly 68 infantry to allow you
infinite troops on the 12th mission (make sure the troops don't die or
get injured or the cheat is invalid).
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Игрушка Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun (и дополнение Firestorm) на сегодняшний день старенькая, но иногда удивляет. Я эту игру прошел вдоль и в поперек, знаю пару фокусов (типа, как строить везде). Есть сюжетная линия, в Tiberian Sun и Firestorm всего 4 кампании, по две за NOD и за GDI. 10 уровней технологий, 3 уровня сложности, а также есть уникальные юниты типа "Mammoth Tank" или "Defender". Также полно разных "Мутантов" и "Тиберианских форм жизни". Мне игруха понравилась за её динамику и геймплей. Также в ней простой (т.е., понятный) интерфейс и управление. Эта стратегия стала эталоном для многих других игр этого жанра.
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