
Chaos Island

     Simply  hold  ctrl,  shift,  x and s when playing. A red bar will
appear  on the lower left. Then type these cheats, (exactly as written
here) and then hit enter.

(Hold ctrl,shift,x,s)

Type:              Result:
Kill               Kills selected enemy.
Egg raptor         Gives raptor egg
Egg trex           Gives trex egg
Egg stegosaur      Gives stegosaur egg
Egg parasaur       Gives parasaur egg
Egg dilo           Gives dilophosaur egg
Egg triceratops    Gives triceratops egg
Egg compy          Gives compy egg
Win                Instantly complete the mission
Lose               Instanly lose the mission
Macleod            Invicibility 
Clear              Clears the map
Extra              Pumps up eddie and nicks responses to 50% (Consult set.bin)
Audio #            enables specific win/lose character playbacks 
                   (Whereas # is the number)
Dead               Holds the dead longer
Prince             Displays the programmer's special quote
Remdul             Gives the hidden character to you instantly 
                   (It's a little alien with this super-blaster)
Drawrect           Don't do this! It draws rectangles around all units 
                   but it won't go away until you reinstall
Grid               Don't do this either! It makes a permanent grid of the map 
                   and it won't go away until you reinstall
Idcheck            checks for unique ids 
                   (Didn't work for me but it says it in set.bin)
Evets              Special setting for winning and extra audio
Core               Display's photo of progammers
raggsdale          Displays the cheat list
health amt         increase or decrease the selected units by the given amount
hppr amt           (heath percent)" sets the health % of the selected units 
                  to the given %

pausing and frame stepping
shift F3 - pauses the game
shift F4 - frame steps the game
shift F5 - returns to normal game play

Level Select
     At  the main menu, hold Ctrl + Shift + Q + W then let go of W for
all of the bonus levels and normal levels.

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