On the Main Menu, look down at your shackled hands and press the space bar repeatedly. After several times, you'll break free of your interrogation chair. When you get up, walk around behind you to a computer. When you access it, enter the following:
Cheat code
attempts a new session with a corresponding username and password
decodes a stringusing the CIA's cypher
displays help
displays the contents of the current directory.
displays the contents of the current directory.
encodes a stringusing the CIA's cypher
Lets you play "Dead Ops Arcade"
opens the mail folder for the current user
prints or shows the contents of a file
prints or shows the contents of a file
shows a lists of the users who have accounts on terminal
shows the following text on the terminal
"Fee Fie Foe Foo!": foobar
starts Alicia, a virtual therapist
starts Zork, a 1979 text-based adventure game Zork on the terminal
hello sailor
starts Zork, a 1979 text-based adventure game Zork on the terminal
Unlocks all Intel in the game for viewing
Unlocks Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode
Console Codes
To enable console in single player, open up the config.cfg file with a text editor. (Should be located in Steam > steamapps > common > call of duty black ops > players. Once open, find "seta monkeytoy" and set it to 0. After that, hitting the ~ key should open the console in single player.
Cheat code
Give all weapons
/give all
Go through walls, the ground, etc.
God Mode.
Show FPS
cg_drawfps 1
Login to the Dreamland Server (Usernames & Passwords)
Type 'rlogin dreamland'. Once you run this command, you will be prompted to login with an account with MJ12 access. These are the usernames/passwords.
Login to Dreamland as Robert Oppen
Username: roppen Password: trinity
Login to Dreamland as Vannevar Bush
Username: vbush password: majestic1
Terminal Codes (Usernames and Passwords)
Enter these codes at the back terminal (press spacebar repeatedly to get up, and the terminal is in the back of the room). Type 'login', and enter the following username/password combinations. You can then access that users documents by typing the 'dir' command (once logged in as that user), and their email by entering the 'mail' command.
Login as Alex Mason
Username: amason Password: password
Login as John F. Kennedy
Username: jfkennedy Password: lancer
Login as Lindon B. Johnson
Username: lbjohnson Password: ladybird
Login as Richard Nixon
Username: rnixon Password: checkers
Login as Vannevar Bush
Username: vbush Password: manhattan
Steam Achievements
"Insert Coin"
Access the terminal and battle the forces of the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade.
A safer place
Sabotage the Soviet space program.
Black Op Master
Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
Broken English
Escape kowloon.
Burn Notice
Complete "Rebirth" and "Redemption" on Veteran difficulty.
Crack the code.
Closer Analysis
Find all the hidden intel.
Cold Warrior
Complete "Operation 40," "Vorkuta," and "Executive Order" on Veteran difficulty.
Death to Dictators
Take down Castro with a headshot.
Double Trouble
Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon.
Double Whammy
Destroy both helicopters with one Valkyrie missile from the deck of the ship.
Down and Dirty
Complete "SOG" and "The Defector" on Veteran difficulty.
Easy Rhino
In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to blast through 20 or more enemies at one time.
Eaten by a Grue
Play Zork on the terminal.
Frag Master
Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade in the campaign.
Give me liberty, or give me death
Escape vorkuta.
Hands Off the Merchandise
Kill the Pentagon thief before it can steal your load-out.
Heavy Hand
Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement.
I hate monkeys
Kill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs.
It's your funeral
Complete "Numbers," "Project Nova," and "Victor Charlie" on Veteran difficulty.
Just ask me nicely
Break free from the torture chair.
Light Foot
Escape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran.
Looks don't count
Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh.
Lord Nelson
Destroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river.
Mr. Black OP
Enter the Soviet relay station undetected.
Never get off the boat
Find the Soviet connection in Laos.
No Leaks
Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island.
Not Today
Complete "Crash Site," "WMD," and "Payback" on Veteran difficulty.
Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed.
Raining Pain
Rack up a body count of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City.
Russian bar-b-q
Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound.
Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba.
Sacrificial Lamb
Kill 6 zombies after getting shot by a Pack-a-Punched Crossbow bolt.
Sally Likes Blood
Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet
See Me, Stab Me, Heal Me
Fire a Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife at a downed ally to revive them from a distance.
Slingshot Kid
Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts.
SOG Rules
Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City.
Some wounds never heal
Escape the past.
Stand Down
Complete the campaign on any difficulty.
The Collector
Buy every weapon off the walls in a single Zombies game.
The Dragon Within
Kill 10 NVA with Dragon's Breath rounds.
Tough Economy
Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh.
Unconventional Warfare
Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies in the campaign.
Up close and personal
Silently take out 3 VC.
Vehicular Slaughter
Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break.
Receive orders from Lancer.
With extreme prejudice
Get to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets.
Annihilation Steam Achievements
Blinded By the Fright
In Shangri-La, kill a Shrieker zombie while blinded by it.
Monkey See, Monkey Don't
In shangri-la, get something from the monkeys.
Small Consolation
In shangri-la, use the 31-79 jgb215 on each type of zombie.
Time Travel Will Tell
In shangri-la, acquire the focusing stone.
Zomb Disposal
In Shangri-La, dispose of a Napalm zombie without it harming any players.
Escalation Steam Achievements
Ensemble Cast
In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op
Quiet on the Set
In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director
Shooting on Location
In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away
In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op.
In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11
First Strike Steam Achievements
Chimp on the barbie
In ascension, kill a space monkey with a fire trap.
Space Race
In Ascension, Pack-a-Punch a weapon by round 8.
The eagle has landers
In ascension, escape on all 3 lunar landers.
They are going THROUGH!
In ascension, kill at least 5 zombies with 1 gersh device.
Rezurrection Steam Achievements
Big Bang Theory
In moon, gain sweet, sweet, revenge.
Cryogenic Slumber Party
In moon, complete richtofen's grand scheme.
Fully Armed and Operational
In moon, acquire 3 pack-a-punched weapons at the same time.
Ground Control
In moon, prevent each excavator from breaching the base in one game.
One Giant Leap
In Moon, become trapped in the Receiving Area and free yourself through resurrection in co-op.
One Small Hack for a Man...
In moon, hack something.
Perks in Spaaaaace!
In moon, purchase every perk in one game.
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Коды на Call of Duty: Black Ops на русском языке
Используя текстовый редактор (например, «Блокнот»), откройте файл config.cfg из папки players, которая находится в папке с игрой.
Найдите в нем строку:
seta monkeytoy "1"
и измените ее на:
seta monkeytoy "0".
Сохранитесь, затем измените атрибут файла на "Только для чтения" (Read only).
В главном меню нажмите клавишу [~], после чего вводите один из указанных чит-кодов, чтобы загрузить нужную карту:
/devmap zombie_five
Kino Der Toten
/devmap zombie_pentagon
После того, как загрузится карта, нажмите еще раз [~] (тильду) и вводите один из указанных чит-кодов:
сокрушительная сила
/give ammo
полный боезапас
режим хождения сквоз стены
режим полета
/give all
получить все оружие
/g_speed [число]
установить скорость игрока
/player_sustainammo 1
бесконечные патроны
Альтернативный чит-режим:
Используя текстовый редактор (например, «Блокнот»), откройте файл config.cfg из папки players, которая находится в папке с игрой.
(пример: С:\Games\Call of duty. Black Ops\Players"
Добавьте в конец файла следующие строки:
seta thereisacow "1337"
bind F1 "god"
bind F2 "give ammo"
bind F3 "notarget"
bind F4 "noclip"
bind F5 "jump_height 100"
bind F6 "timescale 0.5"
bind F7 "timescale 0.25"
bind F8 "timescale 1"
bind F9 "give all"
Теперь во время игры будут работать следующие клавиши:
все боеприпасы
прохождение сквозь стены
высоко прыгать
изменить скорость игры на 0.5
изменить скорость игры на 0.25
изменить скорость игры на 1
получить все
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