

+7 трейнер (для v1.0.7094-v1.0.7111 от dR.oLLe)
Games for Windows Live Achievements
All Bow To Heavy Metal (15)
Big head, big headache
Anarchy Master (30)
Achieve a score of at least 50,000 as a team in Anarchy mode
Armed and dangerous (15)
Grow as a person, experience betrayal. Again.
Big Cheese (30)
Perform 50% of the Single Player Skillshots
Blood Symphony (50)
Complete the Campaign on Very Hard Difficulty
Bounty Hunter (20)
Have a total of at least 75,000 points in Echoes Mode's total high score
Brutal Chorus (40)
Complete the Campaign on Hard Difficulty
Celebrity (40)
Perform 75% of the Single Player Skillshots
Chop-Chopper (30)
Kill the enemy inside the airborne helicopter in the park
Damsel in Distress (15)
Rescue the princess
Destroyer of Worlds (15)
Cause major destruction
Destructive Beat (20)
Complete the Campaign on Very Easy or Easy Difficulty
Disco Inferno (10)
Kill all enemies without leaving the dance floor in the city outskirts
Enforcer (20)
Get at least 15,000 points in one Echo round
Environment Master (20)
Perform every Anarchy environmental Skillshot
Final Echo (40)
Achieve level 65 in Anarchy mode
Fits Like a Glove (15)
Meet your new best friend
Golden Idol (50)
Perform every Single Player Skillshot in the game
Grilled Meat (15)
Prepare a big meal using an improvised electric stove
Guerrilla Tactics (10)
Execute at least 25 different Skillshots in one Echo round
Halfway There (15)
Get at least 21 stars in Echoes Mode
Hoarder (40)
Have a total of at least 150,000 points in Echoes Mode's total high score
I might be late (20)
Kill all enemies during the sprint to the jumpship
Insecticide (10)
Destroy 50% of the Electroflies in the Single Player Campaign
Just one last thing (20)
Kill all enemies before you reach the escape capsule
Like A Boss (5)
Defeat a miniboss in Anarchy mode
Major Malfunction (10)
Destroy 50% of the Newsbots in the Single Player Campaign
Master of Disaster (40)
Earn 2000 points or more at once
Minced Meat (15)
Take out the Mall's biggest customer
No Man Left Behind (20)
Kill all enemies while escaping from the collapsed building
Old School (15)
Finish an Echo round without executing a single Skillshot
Om Nom Nom! (10)
Feed a flytrap with a Nom parasite
Patched Up (15)
Receive a software update for your leash
Pest Control (20)
Destroy all Electroflies in the Single Player Campaign
Pointless (10)
Execute at least 10 Headshots before you find the first DropKit
Red Barrels (10)
Explode all the red barrels on the rooftop while in a helicopter
Remembrance (10)
Play three different Echoes
Shooting Star (10)
Get at least 1 star on each of the first 14 Echoes
Size Matters (15)
Use your biggest weapon
Somebody (20)
Perform 25% of the Single Player Skillshots
Space Pirate (10)
Drink at least 20 bottles of Nom Juice in the Single Player Campaign
Star struck (10)
Get 3 Stars on 10 different Echoes
Stowaway (15)
Catch a ride
Straight Edge (10)
Destroy at least 20 bottles of Nom Juice in the Single Player Campaign
Supernova (40)
Get 3 stars on each of the first 14 Echoes
Team Player (10)
Complete 200 team challenges in your career in Anarchy mode
Total Malfunction (20)
Destroy all Newsbots in the Single Player Campaign
Violent Melody (30)
Complete the Campaign on Normal Difficulty
Wannabe (10)
Perform 10 different Single Player Skillshots
Weed Killer (15)
Tidy up the back yard
Blood Symphony Pack Games for Windows Live Achievements
Barber (10)
Kill an enemy by thumping them into a helicopter in the Mini City map
Beat 'em down (40)
Kill every enemy in a wave using only the Teleportation in the Ulysses map
Environmentalist (30)
In the Rock Quarry map kill an enemy using a Mine Cart, Oven, Fan, Smasher and Lava Cart in one wave
Fast Track (25)
On Mean Street, kill all the snipers on the rooftop before the DNA bomb explodes
Up-Lifting (20)
On Monorail Factory, kill all enemies whilst riding the lift
Gun Sonata Games for Windows Live Achievements
Bell End (25)
Kill 5 enemies at the same time using "Dung" in the Villa map
Extinguisher (25)
In the Sewer map Kill 5 enemies in 1 wave by setting them on fire then extinguishing them
Heart Attack (25)
Kill a Boss using the Hot Dog cart in the Hotel Elysium map
Hell Razor (25)
Kill a Burnout using the helicopter that arrives in Crash Site
Last Blood (25)
At the end of Guns of Stygia, kill all the enemies on the walkways before the explosions do

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