
Bear Simulator

Be a Bear
Self explainatory.
Lost Animal
There's something in the caves that doesn't belong.
Tour de Regions
Discover each of the different regions.
Do the Unthinkable
Why would you do this.
3 Valves
Collect some valves to fix a machine.
Piles of Clothes
There are some clothes scattered around, best collect them.
Spooky Things
You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a spooky skeleton.
Top o' the Montain
Can you reach the tippy top in the Calypso Mountains?
Essences of Darkness
Essences of darkness have found their way to the surface. Collect them for some reason.
A Door in the Cave?
Can you figure out the cave door?
Spooky Woods
Find everything there is to see and do in the spooktacular Spooky Woods.
Animal Buddies!
Find some animal friends.
Spirit of the Forest
Discover the spirit that looks over the forest.
Maximum Bear!
Max your stats! Are you bear enough?!
The Ancient Order
Super Secret Land
Defeat the Missing Link
Can you find and defeat the fabled creature?
Find the Butterflies
Four interesting butterflies are hidden, can you find them?
Ancient Caves
Find everything there is to see and do in the mysterious Ancient Caves.
Shepard Forest
Find everything there is to see and do at Shepard Lake.
Arni Forest
Find everything there is to see and do in Arni Forest.
Salty Rum Lagoon
Find everything there is to see and do in ye Salty Rum Lagoon
Calypso Mountains
Find everything there is to see and do in the enigmatic Calypso Mountains.
Find the Backer Stuff!

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