
Battle Worlds: Kronos

+1 трейнер (для v1.0 от unknown)
Как пользоваться трейнерами
Steam Achievements
Mission 1 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 1, "Search & Rescue"!
Mission 1 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 1, "Search & Rescue", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 1 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 1, "Search & Rescue"!
Mission 10 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 10, "A Single Soul"!
Mission 10 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 10, "A Single Soul", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 10 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 10, "A Single Soul"!
Mission 11 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 11, "The Temple"!
Mission 11 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 11, "The Temple", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 11 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 11, "The Temple"!
Mission 12 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 12, "Battle for the future"!
Mission 12 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 12, "Battle for the future", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 12 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 12, "Battle for the future"!
Mission 13 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 13, "The Turn of Tides"!
Mission 13 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 13, "The Turn of Tides", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 13 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 13, "The Turn of Tides"!
Mission 2 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 2, "Scorched Earth"!
Mission 2 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 2, "Scorched Earth", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 2 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 2, "Scorched Earth"!
Mission 3 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 3, "Retaliation"!
Mission 3 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 3, "Retaliation", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 3 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 3, "Retaliation"!
Mission 4 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 4, "Preparations"!
Mission 4 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 4, "Preparations", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 4 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 4, "Preparations"!
Mission 5 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 5, "Coast of fate"!
Mission 5 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 5, "Coast of fate", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 5 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 5, "Coast of fate"!
Mission 6 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 6, "The Base"!
Mission 6 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 6, "The Base", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 6 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 6, "The Base"!
Mission 7 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 7, "The Bomb"!
Mission 7 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 7, "The Bomb", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 7 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 7, "The Bomb"!
Mission 8 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 8, "Last Stand"!
Mission 8 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 8, "Last Stand", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 8 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 8, "Last Stand"!
Mission 9 - All Secondary goals reached
You have reached all secondary goals in mission 9, "Old Man River"!
Mission 9 - Completed without reinforcements
You have completed mission 9, "Old Man River", without requesting reinforcements!
Mission 9 - Primary goals reached
You have completed mission 9, "Old Man River"!

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