Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you
have an Xbox 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and
the achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360
Advantage (5): Use the naval supply manager to activate
a naval supply.
Against the Odds (10): Sink a stronger enemy ship than your ship.
Airborne Invasion (10): Capture a base by using paratroopers.
Armchair Admiral (10): Win an online Island Capture session using
the map screen only to attack units
or emplacements.
Banzaaai! (15): Crash a kamikaze plane into an enemy ship
while flying at least 600km/h.
Broadside Kill (15): Sink an enemy ship with your cruiser
in 15 seconds.
Conqueror (20): Win 50 online sessions.
Deadly Accuracy (15): Cause 20 magazine explosions with dive bombers.
Death from Below (15): Sink an enemy battleship with your submarine.
Disembarkation (5): Capture a base by using landing ships.
Don't Mess
with the Big Boys (10): Sink a hostile carrier with your battleship.
Double Whammy (15): Damage at least two targets in one bombing run.
Fighter Ace (15): Destroy 5 enemy planes in less than 30 seconds
without losing your fighter plane.
Fist of the Empire (20): Participate in 25 online sessions
as the Japanese.
Flat-top Commander (15): Send 50 planes into the air
with the support manager.
Fleet Commander (50): Reach the rank of Lieutenant.
Frontline Admiral (10): Win an online Island Capture session
without switching to the map screen.
Hat-trick (15): Achieve 3 torpedo hits
with the same torpedo bomber.
Head of the Fleet (100): Reach the rank of Fleet Admiral.
Hero of Midway (10): Played Battlestations Midway.
Island Hopping (30): Win every Island Capture map at least once.
Long-range Gunnery (15): Destroy an enemy ship which is over 2800 meters
away using a battleship.
Marianas Turkey
Shoot (10): Destroy 20 enemy planes in the Battle of
the Philippine Sea.
National Hero (50): Participate in 100 online sessions as the US.
National Veteran (20): Participate in 25 online sessions as the US.
Overwhelming Force (25): Complete the Japanese Campaign
on Any difficulty.
Preventive Strike (10): Sink the US Battleship before
the reinforcements arrive in Solomons' Skirmish.
Pure Gold (10): Get your first gold medal.
Queen Sacrifice (10): Sink the abandoned Hornet
in the Battle of Santa Cruz.
Repair for your
Life (10): Survive being fatally damaged
by retaining minimal health.
Rising Sun (60): Complete the Japanese Campaign
on Veteran difficulty.
Shock and Awe (25): Complete the US Campaign on Any difficulty.
Stars and Stripes (60): Complete the US Campaign on Veteran difficulty.
Hunter-killer (20): Destroy an enemy submarine with a submarine
by using torpedoes.
Supply Line (5): Use the support manager to successfully send up
a plane or request a ship.
Surprise Attack (10): Strafe all parked planes in Pearl Harbor.
Take No Prisoners (50): Destroy every hostile unit in Battle of
Santa Cruz on Veteran difficulty.
Tin Can Captain (15): Sink 20 enemy ships with your destroyer
by using torpedoes.
Turning Point (10): Sink all US Carriers in the Invasion of Midway.
Under Cover of
Darkness (10): Win a night battle.
Victory Rush (30): Win every Competitive, Duel, Escort
and Siege map at least once.
War Room (10): Host and play through 50 online sessions.
We're not finished
yet! (20): Sink an enemy ship while your ship
is under 3% health.
Wrath of the
Empire (50): Participate in 100 online sessions
as the Japanese.
Zero Damage (10): None of the kamikaze planes should hit any of
your ships during Divine Winds of Leyte.
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