
Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Bonus Weapons
Go to the "Multiplayer" menu and select "Unlockables" and enter in each phrase
M60 Machine Gun
QBU-88 Sniper Rifle
Complete the indicated task in Multiplayer mode to unlock each Wildcard
1 On 1 Air
In one round, destroy an air vehicle of the same kind without assistance.
1 On 1 Land
In one round, destroy one land vehicle of the same kind without assistance.
1 On 1 Sea
In one round, destroy one sea vehicle of the same kind without assistance.
2 Pair
In one round, get two of any two trophies.
In one round, get two seconds air time in a land vehicle.
Armor Buster
In one round, destroy five armored vehicles.
Avenger Trophies
In Global, get 50x Avenger Trophies.
Beat the House
In one round, get 15 grenade kills.
Cab Driver
In one round, spend five minutes as driver in a vehicle with passengers.
Chopper Chopper Kills
In one round, destroy five air vehicles.
Dead Eye Headshots
In Global, get 100 headshots with any sniper rifle.
Destruction Site
In one round, destroy 50 objects.
Dueces are Wild
In one round, kill two enemies of each kit.
Five of a Kind
In one round, destroy five vehicles of the same kind.
Full Deck
In one round, get 52 total kills.
Full House
In one round, destroy 3+2 vehicles of the same kind.
In Global, get 80 kills with a handgun.
In one round, get 20 kills from headshots.
In one round, get 4 road kills with any air vehicle.
Santa's Little Helper
In one round, get 10 Kill Assists Points.
Savior Trophies
In Global, get 50x Savior Trophies.
Snake Eyes
In one round, get 11 kills as two different classes.
Squad Avenger Card
In Global, get 100 Avenger Points avenging squad members.
Squad Wild Card
In one round, get one Squad Member trophy per squad member.
Staying Dry
In one round, get two seconds air time with a sea vehicle.
Straight Flush
In one round, destroy one vehicle of each kind.
In one round, kill ten enemies at the same time.
Tank Buster
In one round, destroy five tanks.
Three of a Kind
In one round, destroy three vehicles of the same kind.

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