
Ballpoint Universe

Steam Achievements
All Your Base
Completed "Counter Attack" flawlessly!
Angels and Demons
Completed "Defenders of the Elder" flawlessly!
Completed "Clearing a Path" flawlessly!
Boot Camp
Completed "Training on the rocks" flawlessly!
Completed "Treetop Battle" flawlessly!
Designated Driver
Completed "Brethren" flawlessly!
Dragon Dawn
Completed "Stone Dragon" flawlessly!
Elder's Wisdom
The elder revealed the truth of this age for you.
Face Off
Completed "Face Off" flawlessly!
Infinite Apprentice
Passed wave 24 in Infinite Mode!
Infinitely New
Passed Wave 8 in infinite mode.
Infinitely Novice
Passed wave 16 in Infinite Mode.
Infinitely Skilled
Passed wave 60 in Infinite Mode! Wow!
You are a good enough idea.
Knight Fighter
Completed "The Lost Fortress" flawlessly!
Log Stomper
Completed "The Battleship" flawlessly!
Met the Boss
The boss of the logicians, your enemy?
Odd is Good
Completed "The Demented Doodles" flawlessly!
Completed "The Owls" flawlessly!
Seed Splitter
Completed "Target Practice" flawlessly!
Ship Stealer
Completed "Stolen Artifact" flawlessly!
The Infinite Journeyman
Passed wave 36 in Infinite Mode.
The Infinite Master
Passed wave 48 in Infinite Mode.
The Sheet
The end of a pAge.
The Spring
Welcome to the Spring!
The Village
The hotspot for creativity!
We didn't balance past wave 60.
Things might get weird from here.

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