

Asylum: Elevator code
     On  the  Asylum  mission,  there is an elevator. The code for the
elevator  is  "4747". You can get the code by talking to Neil Caplain,
who is located in one of the padded cells.

Replenish heath
     If  your health is low and Sydney is breathing like she is tired,
get  away  from all targets and wait for awhile. Her health meter will
go back up. Note: This may take awhile.

Asylum: Getting DNA
     When  you  are  trying  to get the man's DNA and must follow him,
when  you  get  in the room with all the picnic tables go to the right
side  of  the  door  and  stand there. He will walk by time after time
until you get all of his DNA. You will then fight him, escape from the
Asylum, then move on to the Embassy level.

Embassy: Fire alarms
     When  at the end and you have to turn on all the fire alarms, one
is  in  Basement  2.  Note:  After you turn on all the alarms you must
hurry to the ballroom and fight three men, then find Dixon and escape.

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