
1602 A.D.

Cheat mode
     Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Alt] + W during game play. A prompt will
appear  at  the  bottom left corner of the screen. Type 2061 and press
[Enter]  at  the  prompt.  Then,  press A then press [Enter] to enable
cheat  mode.  Enter  one  of  the  following  codes  to  activate  the
corresponding cheat function.

Code Result 
Shift + M Money 
Shift + Z Bricks 
Shift + K Cannon 
Shift + H Wood 
Shift + T Tools 
gold Gold 
fastgame All Building 

All campaigns
     Note:  This  procedure  involves  editing  a  game file; create a
backup  copy  of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit
the  "game.dat"  file  in the game directory. Locate the line "Volume:
-750,  0,  -5??"  and  change it to "Volume: -750, 0, -581". Note: The
"750" value may vary from game to game.

     Enter  Columbus  and  give  yourself  a  yellow flag for $10,000.
Information in this section was contributed by ckaiser1.

Free items
     When  you  buy  something and your income is red or low, save the
game. Load it again and you will have your money back.

5 Tons Free!
     First  enable the cheat mode, then type in Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W
again  and then type in a number from 02 to 24.Then press Enter and A.
Each time you press A, you will get 5 tons of the number.

02= Iron-ore 
03= Gold 
04= Wool 
05= Suger-cane 
06= Tobacco 
07= Cows 
08= Corn 
09= Flour 
10= Iron 
11= Swords 
12= Guns 
13= Cannons 
14= Food
15= Cigars
16= Spices
17= Cocoa
18= Alcohol
19= Fabric
20= Clothing
21= Jewelry
22= Tool 
23= Wood
24= Bricks

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