Various cheats
Just type these codes during gameplay:
AirNormandy soldiers re-jump into normandy.
AngryManDinners soldiers are given food.
Iknow: displays all germans, equipment bags,
and insides of buildings.
TraitorTraitor current soldier surrenders.
PrisonPod removes all parachutes.
Weasel all soldiers on the map are made available.
YouGoSquishNow all the germans on the map are killed.
Helllive all the germans on the map are killed.
Ihaveyounow all the germans on the map are surrendered.
Beef all the cows on the map are killed.
Heknows turns off Iknow.
Robocop3 makes your soldier go berzek.
Hohoho Gives your GI a brand new MG42 plus two ammo belts.
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