
Turok: Rage Wars

Cheat menu:
     Press Z at the title screen to display the cheat menu.

     There are fifty medals in the game.

Extra characters in multiplayer:
     To  get  extra  characters in multiplayer,successfully beat the 1
player  trial  mode  with turok,you will then unlock another character
for  the  1  player trial mode. Each time that you do this a character
will be unlocked in the multiplayer mode.

     Pause  the  game  and press Up, Up, Down, Up, C-Up, C-Up, C-Down,
C-Up. Turok will say " I WILL NEVER DIE!"

Invincible Monkey Trick:
     Once  you have 1000 frags total with all of the players, you have
access  to  all  the  cheats in the cheat menu (press Z on main menu).
Turn  on  infinite  ammo.  Setup how ever you would like, but you must
have  the  minigun  as  a  weapon.  Play  a game of Frag Tag (kill the
monkey).  Select  the minigun and hold down alternate fire to activate
your  shield,  but  since you have infinite ammo, you won't run out. I
tape  down  the  bottom so I can move easier. When you are selected as
the monkey, you will keep the shield, just don't release the alternate

Way to get cheat mode quickly:
     To  unlock  all  the  options  quickly, build a saved game with a
character  that has over 500 frags. Copy that character into the three
other slots on the controller pak. Then, load all four of these cloned
players  to  the  game.  All  cheats will now be available in the menu
since the combined frag count will be over 1000.

Shoot the floor:
     Get  out the shotgun and look at the floor, then fire and a blood
spot will appear.

Exploding napalm:
     Hold  B  when you using the napalm launcher to make all its shots

Easy kills:
     To  rank  up the kills in some levels, get the flare gun and fire
it at a door and wait for your enemys to run into it.

Unlimited power core specials:
     Use  the  following trick to obtain unlimited power core specials
(petrify,  invisibility,  etc.). Unlock and enable the "Infinite Ammo"
cheat.  Select the minigun as one of your weapons. Start a level, find
the  power  core,  and  make sure you have the minigun out. Hold B and
pick  up  the  power  core.  As B is held, you will have that special.
Note:  Slow Time will expire on an enemy if you kill them, even if you
are holding B.

Walk with sniper mode on:
     This  trick  allows  you to walk with the sniper mode on, and use
the  regular  view and same ammo, such as plasma. Go to a level with a
teleporter,  such  as  Leap  Of  Faith.  Make sure you have either the
Plasma  weapon  or  Tek  Bow  in  your  possession.  Go  to  where the
teleporter   is  located.  Enter  sniper  mode,  then  walk  into  the
teleporter.  Then  cross-hair will change. If done correctly, you will
be able to shoot sniper mode bullets in regular view.

Walk with Mag60 on:
     Take  the  Mag60,  go in water and turn on the laser. Hold it and
swim  out  with  it on. Keep it held to be able to walk around with it

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