
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Thin Skater:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and  hold  L, then press Left, C-Right,
Right, Down, C-Down, Up, Up.

Multiply Score by 10:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and  hold L, then press C-Down, C-Down,
C-Down, C-Down, C-Up, Right, C-Right, Right.

Full Special Meter:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and  hold L, then press C-Left, C-Down,
C-Up, Right, C-Right, Right.

Perfect Balance:
     Pause the game. Press and hold L, then press C-Down, Right, Down,
C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left.

Turbo Mode:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and  hold L, then press C-Left, C-Down,
C-Up, Down, Up, Right.

Flight Mode:
     Pause  the  game. Press and hold L, then press Right, Up, C-Down,
C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Left, C-Right.

Stats to 10:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and  hold L, then press Down, Up, C-Up,
C-Left, Down, Up, C-Up. submitted by IGN Guides

Stats to 13:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and hold L, then press C-Down, C-Right,
C-Right, C-Up, Up, Down, Right, Left.

Unlimited money:
     Pause  the game. Press and hold L, then press C-Left, C-Left, Up,
C-Right, C-Up, Down.

Unlock Double Moon Physics:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and  hold L, then press C-Down, C-Left,
C-Right, C-Left, Up, C-Down, Down, Right, C-Down, C-Down.

Unlock Slow-Nic Mode:
     Pause  the  game.  Press and hold L, then press C-Up, Down, Left,
C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right.

Skip to restart:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and  hold L, then press C-Left, C-Down,
C-Right, Down, C-Up, C-Up.

Simulation mode:
     Pause  the  game.  Press  and  hold  L, then press Left, C-Right,
Right, Down, C-Down, Up, Up.

Super turbo mode:
     Pause  the  game.  Press and hold L, then press Down, Left, C-Up,
C-Down, C-Left, Right, Up.

     On  the  San Francisco level in Free Skate, at the starting point
go  down  the zagging hill and turn left to face the half-pipe against
the  building.  You'll  have  to work up some speed on that half-pipe,
once  or  twice  should do the trick. Then once you've got your speed,
exit  the pipe heading towards the hubba gap. You can jump the gap, or
pass  under  the  bridge, and then you'll hit the quarter-pipe against
the next building. Go up the pipe, and then when you come down, make a
sharp (50-85 degree turn) to the left and jump off the curb boardering
the grass. You should be aiming for the red steel girders that has six
posts.  If  you land on top of it, come to a screaching halt on top of
it.  Then perform a grind at one the edges of the structure. If you do
this  correctly  you'll be on the underside of the structure. Movement
will  be limited to the area in that structure, and if you want to get
out  and  continue skating, just do an ollie near the edge, and you'll
hit your head on solid ground!

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