
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

Unlimited Special:
     In  career  mode,  pause  the  game then hold L and press C-Down,
C-Up, C-Left, Down, Up, Down.

All tapes:
     In  career  mode,  pause  the game then hold L and press C-Right,
Left, Up, C-Up, C-Up, Right, Down.

Less falls:
     In  career  mode,  pause  the  game  then  hold L and press C-Up,
C-Right, Left, C-Right, Right, Up, Down.

Skip to Restart:
     In  career  mode,  pause  the  game then hold L and press C-Left,
C-Right, C-Down, Up, Down.

Raise stats to 10:
     In career mode, pause the game then hold L and press Down, Right,
Up, Right, Up, Left, C-Left.

Raise stats to 13:
     In  career  mode,  pause  the  game  then  hold L and press C-Up,
C-Left, Left, Up, Down.

10x trick multiplier:
     In career mode, pause the game then hold L and press Down, Right,
Up, Right, Up, Left, C-Left.

Slow-motion mode:
     In  career mode, pause the game then hold L and press Down, Down,
C-Up, C-Right, Left.

Turbo mode:
     In  career  mode, pause the game then hold L and press Right, Up,
Down, Down, Up, Down.

Fast specials:
     In  career mode, pause the game then hold L and press C-Up, Left,
C-Down, C-Down, Up, Down, Right.

Unlimited Gind:
     In  career  mode,  pause  the  game  then  hold L and press C-Up,
C-Right, Left, C-Right, Right, Up, Down.

Unlock Officer Dick:
     Win all 30 tapes to play as Officer Dick

Unlock Private Carrera:
     Start  a  game  with Officer Dick. Pause the game then hold L and
press C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, C-Down, Up, Right, Left.

Girl's picture:
     In  career  mode,  pause  the  game then hold L and press C-Left,
C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, C-Right.

Special Trick Tutorial:
     Get  all  three  gold metals for that character, then go to trick
tutorial  in  extras  and  it  will  show all that character's special



Get out of Roswell:
     Enable  the  "Slow  motion",  "Perfect  balance",  and "Different
restart  points"  codes.  Go through the blue restricted access tunnel
with  the alien in it, then immediately grind the rail after the exit.
Jump  over the gap, then grind the next rail. Then, jump onto the next
rail  and  jump  up  and keep grinding until you get to the end of the
rail. After you are done grinding, if you stay to the far left instead
of  heading up the ramp, you should be able to go through the wall and
escape  Roswell.  After you get out, skate towards the helicopter, and
you  should  fall  underneath the level. You will not be able to move,
but  can jump and do tricks. You then have to restart the level. Start
the Roswell level enable the "Slow motion" and "10x multiplier" codes.
Just after starting, do a Fastplant and Impossible to get your special
all  the  way  up.  Keep  going forward and do a trick off the quarter
pipe.  Wait  until  you  are about to fly off the part you started at,
then  just  before  then,  do  a Nollie and any special. Press Left or
Right  to  spin your special the entire time that it lasts. You should
go  through  the ground and leave Roswell. Restart and try again if it
does not work the first time. If the spotlight hits you, you will fall
under  ground  and  can do simple tricks, but the game will have to be

Invisible boarders:
     Begin  game  play on the School level and get big air on the bowl
with  the  diving  board  by it. Get a lot of speed so you go over the
sign.  The  camera  will  zoom into the bowl, and your boarder will be
there  but  he/she  will be invisible. They will remain this way until
you fall.

Pass through glass:
     On  the  San Francisco level, when you go straight ahead from the
start and go down the levels parallel to Lombard Street, slow down and
keep  to  the  far  right  before you fall into that glass on the last
level.  If  you  are  far enough to the right, you will go through the
glass without breaking it.

Light particle:
     Enable the "Slow motion" and "Random restart locations" codes. Go
to  the  metal  half  pipe and do any trick in the middle of the pipe.
Come  down  and  go  straight  into  the  bowl. The tunnel that can be
entered  should  be black and will not change color when you hit. Keep
jumping  until  you are inside. Once you enter, it should spit you out
as a particle of light. You cannot move around but you can jump and do

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