
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

View the ending sequence:
     Select  the  rename option and enter _Credits as a case-sensitive
name.  Note:  The name is case-sensitive, with "_" indicating a space.
After any level is chosen, the ending sequence will be displayed.

No flight sequences:
     Select  the rename option and enter Joe as a case-sensitive name.
Set  the  difficulty  level  to  "Easy" and begin game play. The Hoth,
Asteroid Field, and Skyhook sequences will be skipped.

View development staff:
     Enter the name to view the ending sequence. After the credits are
completed,  the  game  will  return  to  the  title  screen. Press the
Analog-stick to the Up/Right position.

Select X-Wing or TIE fighter:
     Configure  the controller to the "Traditional" setting. Hold Left
+  C-Left  + C-Down + C-Right + L + R + Z and press Analog-stick Up or
Analog-stick Down during game play.

Wampa sounds:
     Select a save game slot and enter R_Testers_ROCK as a name. Note:
The  name is case sensitive, with "_" indicating as a space. The sound
of Wampas will be heard while the game displays any menu

Ending credits conversation:
     Complete  the  game  and  hold  C-Right  during the entire ending
sequence.  Look  at  the bottom of the screen during the credits for a
hidden text conversation

All Weapons:
     Select  the  rename  option  and enter"_Jabba" asa name. Note: Is
case sensitive, with "-" indicating a space. Then, start a game on the
"Jedi"  difficulty  level.  Now  all  weapons  will be available fully
powered during the first person levels of the game.

     To  get an overhead infared veiw. Press the following at the same
time:  All four C buttons, L,R,Z, and Left on the control pad, NOT the
control  stick!  Then  move  the  control  stick  around until you see
everything  green, If you entered this code correctly you will see all
enemies  and  yourself  dark green. To de-activate this code Press the
same thing you did to activate it.

Character/ Vehicle select screen:
     When  starting  a  game  type in Boba Guri. You must have a space
before  Boba  and space before Guri and both names must be capitalized
or  the trick will not work. When playing press start and hold R-Z for
a  character select screen, or R-C (any C button) for a vehicle select
screen.  (When  name  is typed in also unlocks all levels and a hidden
option menu.)

Play as any character:
     Start  a  game  on  any  name or any difuculty seting. As Lebo is
talking to you, hold C-Right for about 5-10 seconds. This will work on
any  level.  Use  the  same  commands  you would normaly use to change


Alternate characters:
     Select   a   save   game  slot  and  enter  _Wampa__Stompa  as  a
case-sensitive  name.  Note:  The  name  is  case-sensitive,  with "_"
indicating  as  a space, and two spaces between both words. Select the
medium difficulty level. Begin game play and change the control option
to  the  "Traditional" setting. Use the following actions to transform
into  the corresponding "character". Note: This will also allow access
to the Lebo Scanner in any first person mode level by holding C-Left +
C-Right + C-Up + C-Down + L + R + Z + Left.

     Wait  until  the AT-STs appear in the second stage of the "Battle
of  Hoth"  level.  Press  Left  + C-Right, Up. Press C-Right button to
change  camera  views  until  the AT-ST is displayed. Use the D-pad to
move  the  AT-ST  and  Up to attack. The AT-ST may attack Rebel ships.
Press  C-Right button to switch back and forth to Dash. Dash may still
be controlled with the Analog-stick while using the AT-ST.

     Press  Left  +  C-Right,  Up  during  the "Escape from Echo Base"
level.  Press C-Right button to change camera views until the Wampa is
displayed.  Use  the D-pad to move the Wampa and press Down to attack.
Press  C-Right button to switch back and forth to Dash. Dash may still
be  controlled with the Analog-stick while using the Wampa. Note: This
may  also  be  done  by  pressing  Left  +  C-Right  during  the "Gall
Spaceport" level.

Storm Trooper:
     Press  Right + C-Right, Up during the In "Escape from Echo Base".
Press C-Right button to change camera views until the Storm Trooper is
displayed.  Use  the D-pad to move the Storm Trooper and press Down to
attack.  The  Storm Trooper may attack other Storm Troopers or Wampas.
Press  C-Right button to switch back and forth to Dash. Dash may still
be  controlled  with  the  Analog-stick while using the Storm Trooper.
Note:  This  may  also  be done by pressing Right + C-Right during the
"Gall Spaceport" or "Imperial Freighter Suprosa" levels.

Prince Xizor's armored guard:
     Press  Right  +  C-Right  during the "Sewers Of Imperial City" or
"Xizor's  Palace"  levels. Press C-Right button to change camera views
until  the  Wampa  is  displayed.  Use the D-pad to move the guard and
press Down to attack. Press C-Right button to switch back and forth to
Dash.  Dash  may still be controlled with the Analog-stick while using
the guard


Challenge point bonuses:

     Collect  all challenge points on Easy difficulty. Hold Camera for
five  seconds during the game play to get the Leebo Scanner. This will
allow Dash to access a map view that displays enemies and items.

     Collect  all  challenge  points on Medium difficulty. Hold Camera
for  five  seconds  during  the during the SkyHook Battle to fly as an
X-Wing.  Hold  Camera again to fly as a Tie-Fighter. Hold Camera again
to return to an Outrider.

     Collect  all challenge points on Hard difficulty. Hold Crouch for
fifteen  seconds  during game play. Dash will be invincible for thirty
seconds and have each weapon at 100.

     Collect  all  challenge  points on Jedi difficulty. The Wampas in
the Escape from Echo Base stage will follow Dash and attack enemies.

     Hold  down  the  camera button in the Doom-like sections for five
seconds to reveal a 'map' view that lets you see enemies and items

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Страница: Читы на Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire для Nintendo 64

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