How to beat Tutankoopa:
Buy 9 thounderbolts and use them all on Tunankoopa. Then use
Parakarry's Shell Shot.
Get the Hammer Throw Badge:
Right before you go in the hall to Toad Town, look at the tree
above. It should have a spring (jump). Hit the tree with the hammer.
The jump will fall and you will get the Hammer Throw Badge that lets
you hit anybody in battle with your hammer.
How to beat the Dojo Master in one shot:
Go to Mario's house and spin into the next scene, and beat every
other Goomba you find, ending up in Toad Town, go to the Post Office
and read a letter ten times, and go to the dojo, and the Master will
glow a neon red, he will be extremely weak
Infante Goomba Nuts:
Go to Goomba Village and hit the tree beside the fence. You will
get a goomba nut. You can do this infante times. Just leave and go
back in.
Beat King Goomba Easier:
Hit the tree in the background. All you have to do is aim at the
tree and attack. Oh and the tree has a bandge to hit.
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