
NBA Live 2000


Unlock Michael Jordan:
     Defeat  Michael Jordan one on one in superstar mode to unlock him
on the roster.

Unlock Isaiah Thomas:
     Get  fifteen  steals in a game in superstar mode to unlock him on
the roster.

Defeating Michael Jordan:
     Although  the following trick can be done with any point total to
win,  11  is  probably  the best. Choose Jeff Hornacek to play against
Michael  Jordan.  After  getting  the ball, just shoot three-pointers.
Michael  will not guard you until your start to make a lot of shots or
get  a  big lead. When he does start to guard, back up a few feet from
the three point line and shoot the ball. He will not guard and you can
still  make  the basket. Note: Make sure to release ball at the top of
your  jump.  Jeff  Hornacek will not always make it, so only shoot the
three-pointer  on  every  other  shot.  He should make about 90% if he
shoots  every other shot. Try to drive on every possession when you do
not shoot a three.

All-Decade Team players:
     There  is a set of five All-Decade Teams (1950's through 1990's),
and  all  of  the  players  on  those  teams can be unlocked to become
available  to  put on any desired roster. In order to achieve that for
each  player, the game will give you hints as to how this may be done.
Michael  Jordan, for instance (as well as for Wilt Chamberlain and one
other player from the 1950's team), can be unlocked by beating Michael
Jordan with any player in the superstar level in the game's one-on-one
mode.  If  there  is  a  way  to  unlock  players by achieving certain
performances  in a single game, the easiest way to do that is to use a
great  team  (like  the All-Decade Teams) against a poor one (like the
Chicago  Bulls). For seasonal achievements, just work your way through
it.  All the achievements can be achieved, but if you want to win by a
lot  over a team, do not try to make 15 'threes' or pick up 30 assists
in  a  game  --  just play up-tempo basketball. If you try to make the
achievements,  watch yourself because you also have to win the game to
unlock the legends.

3-point baskets:
     To get fifteen 3-point baskets in a game, your best players to do
this are very streaky, but decent shooters (Bird, Rick Barry, Iverson,
Glen Rice, Tim Hardaway, etc.). Many times with these players, you can
either  kick  it out to them from the low post and shoot, or (which is
better most times), if you are going on the fast break, pull-up from 3
point range. You still have to shoot at the top of your jump, but with
streaky shooters, you have a great chance of hitting several in a row,
even if you do not shoot from the top of your jump.

     Try  getting  the Triple-Double with points, assists, and steals.
Create  a  player  that is 7'10" and around 270-280 pounds. Make him a
point  guard  with 99 in all attributes. He should be able to rebound,
block  shots, steal, score, and dish out assists very well. You should
be  able to get more than one legend by getting the fifteen steals and
thirty assists.

     Go  to  arcade  mode.  Choose your team and start playing. If you
dunk 3 or 4 times with the same guy or make 3 or 4 shots with the same
guy, the next time that guy gets the ball the ball will be on fire.

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