
Mortal Kombat 4

Cheat Menu:
1. Go to the Main Menu. 
2. Access the Options. 
3. In the Option Screen, highlight the "Continues 3" option. 
4. Hold the Run and Block buttons for 10 seconds or until the Secret 
   Menu appears. 

Automatic fatalities:
     Enable  the  "Cheat option" code, then turn on the "Fatalities 1"
selection. Then execute an uppercut from anywhere on the screen.

Automatic level fatalities:
     Enable   the  "Cheat  option"  code,  then  turn  on  the  "Level
Fatalities" selection. Then press Down + High Punch when close to your
opponent  at  the "Finish Him" prompt. Note: The best place to execute
the level fatality is the level with the big fan.

Automatic endings:
     Enable  the  "Cheat  option"  code,  then  turn  on the "Endings"
selection.  To  see  a  character's  ending  without defeating all the
fighters, enter arcade mode and defeat just one character.

Fight as Goro:
     Successfully  complete  the  game with Shinnok and save the game.
Enable  the  "Cheat  option  code".  Select  the invisible icon at the
bottom  of  the  character  selection  screen.  Press  Up(3),  Left to
highlight  Shinnok's  icon, then press Run + Block (C-Left + C-Down by

Fight as Noob Saibot:
     Successfully  complete  the  game  with  Reiko and save the game.
Then, enable the "Cheat option code". Select the invisible icon at the
bottom  of  the  character  selection  screen.  Press  Up(2),  Left to
highlight  Reiko's  icon,  then  press Run + Block (C-Left + C-Down by

Fight as Meat:
     Enable   the   "Cheat   option  code".  Enter  "Group  Mode"  and
successfully  fight  as  all  sixteen  characters. After this has been
accomplished,  select  any character and begin a match. Your character
will  playing  as  Meat  with  all the moves of the character that was

Johnny Cage's James Bond costume:
     Select  arcade mode from the title screen. Highlight Johnny Cage,
hold  Start  and press Low Punch(3) at the character selection screen.
Johnny  Cage  will be dressed exactly like James Bond. Draw his weapon
during a match to see a larger version of Bond's PP7 gun.


Kombat Kodes:
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding effect

Effect                                     Code 
One-hit win                                123 123 
Noob Saibot mode                           012 012 
Red Rain (On the Rain stage)               020 020 
Explosive Kombat                           050 050 
Drawn weapons can not be lost              002 002 
Disable throws                             100 100 
Disable max damage                         010 010 
Disable throws and max damage              110 110 
Random weapon appears                      111 111 
Start with random weapon                   222 222 
Start with weapons drawn                   444 444 
Many weapons                               555 555 
Silent Kombat                              666 666 
Big heads                                  321 321 
Fight in Goro's Lair (Spike Pit)           011 011 
Fight in The Well (Scorpion's Stage)       022 022 
Fight in Elder God's (Blue Face) stage     033 033 
Fight in Tomb Stage                        044 044 
Fight in Rain Stage                        055 055 
Fight in Snake Stage                       066 066 
Fight in Shaolin Temple                    101 101 
Fight in Living Forest                     202 202 
Fight in Prison (Fan Stage)                303 303 
Fight in Ice Pit                           313 313 
Fight back to back                         142 142 
Fight as invincible Sub-zero               100 100 
Everybody in different costumes            102 102 
Fight the last master instantly            141 141 
The girl fighters all wearing thongs       252 259 

Советы наших посетителей (1)

Прислал: asakura862
Все, кто играет Mortal Kombat 4, любят добивать врагов при помощи fatality. Но это сложно сделать, так вот говорю секрет: заходите в "Практику", выбирайте сложность Difficulty и держите нижный удар ногой и рукой 10 секунд - откроется секретное меню. Потом переставьте там Fatality 1 или 2 с off на on. Потом, когда победите игрока в аркаде 2 раза, после таблички Finish him нажмите вниз и удар рукой в голову (т.е. апперкот) и будет сделано фаталити.

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