Big Heads
While Playing, press Right on the D-Pad, Right on the D-Pad, Left
on the D-Pad, R, Z, Start, A, Start, A, Start, Z.
Big Heads Without Starting a Game
While the game is just turning on, press Right on the D-Pad,
Right on the D-Pad, Left on the D-Pad, R, Z, Start, A, Start, A,
Start, Z.
Bonus Teams
Hold L, then press A on a Pre-Season Game. Then scroll through
the teams.
Disco Court
While playing, pause the game, then press A, C-Up, Down, Up,
C-Down, R, R, B, C-Right, C-Right, Z.
Little Players
At the Main Menu, press C-Right, C-Right, B, R, R, C-Down, Up,
Down, C-Up, A, Z.
Alien Players
Hold L and press A on Preseason. Then select the Left Field team.
Keep pressing A until you get to the screen where you move your
controller over to the team you want to play as and press B until you
are back at the Main Menu. Press C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, Start,
Start, A, B, A, R, Z. Now select any team, but keep Left Field as the
away team and select them
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