Easy knock:
Hit your opponent until your meter is full and then hit R + L +
KICK (A or B) and you will knock him down even when he has his block
Easy training:
In the training mode go to OFFENSE and hit the blue guy like this:
DOWN + A (twice)
DOWN + B (twice)
I think it's the only way to hit him 30 times.
Invincible mode:
Pause the game and press C-Up, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down, C-Right.
Big Gloves:
Pause the game and press C-Up, C-Down, C-Up, C-Up, C-Down. Repeat
to de-activate.
Big head mode:
Pause the game and press C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Left,
C-Right. Repeat to de-activate.
Restore energy:
Move away from your opponent, hold Z and sweep the Analog-stick
in circles. Also try tapping Z repeatedly without moving the
Easy attribute points:
Select career mode and intentionally lose every fight so you can
train to earn more attribute points. Once this has been done ten to
fifteen times, all your attribute points should be at the top. This
will allow you to easily win your remaining matches, and earn the
championship after about five fights. Note: Every time you lose a
fight, you can train again.
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