Cheat codes:
Unlimited Turbos:
At the main menu press C-Right, Z, C-Up, C-Down, R, C-Left, Z, C-Right
Nightime Racing:
At the main menu press C-Up, C-Up, C-Down, C-Down, C-Left,
C-Right, C-Left, C-Right
Stealth Mode:
At the main menu press C-Left, Z, Z, C-Up, C-Left, R, C-Down, C-Up
Wire frame Display:
At the main menu press C-Up, Z, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, Z, C-Down,
Mirrored Tracks:
At the main menu press Z, R, Z, Z, R, Z, Z
Get TowJam Car:
At the main menu press C-Up, C-Down, Z, R, C-Left, C-Right, C-Up,
Bonus cars and tracks:
Enter "99T8DTY8VD D7BDDDDDD2" as a password. Alternatively, win
the Hot Wheels Cup.
Additional bonus cars:
Enter "9PTNPTFN6P NMQPPNPPPL" as a password.
All Cars and Tracks:
When you start the game go down to "sign in" then move over to
"password". Then for all cars and tracks put in 1 of these 3
Mystery Cars:
On the "Test Track" when you get in the room with the three or
four pillars(columns) after the first one, there is a panel on the
right wall, that is discolored. Ram thrugh it and inside the tunnel,
is a box shaped liked a car, that has ???'s all over it . Hit the box
head on, and you'll recieve a new car.
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