
Golden Eye 007

Time Cheats
     Beat the "Level" in the "Time" indicated to activate the "Cheat":

Level     Cheat                 Difficulty              Time
1         Paintball Mode        Secret Agent            2:40
2         Invincibility         00 Agent                2:05
3         Big Head              Agent                   5:00
4         Grenade Launcher      Secret Agent            3:30
5         Rocket Launcher       00 Agent                4:00
6         Turbo Mode            Agent                   3:00
7         No Radar (Multi)      Secret Agent            4:30
8         Tiny Bond             00 Agent                4:15
9         2x Throwing Knives    Agent                   1:30
10        Fast Animation        Secret Agent            3:15
11        Invisibility          00 Agent                1:20
12        Enemy Rockets         Agent                   1:45
13        Slow Animation        Secret Agent            1:30
14        Silver PP7            00 Agent                5:25
15        2x Hunting Knives     Agent                   3:45
16        Infinite Ammo         Secret Agent            10:00
17        2x RC-P90s            00 Agent                9:30
18        Gold PP7              Agent                   2:15
19        2x Lasers             Secret Agent            9:00
20        All Guns              00 Agent                6:00

Bond Floats
     First  you  need  tiny bond, then go to a stair way on any level.
Kneel down by the stair way and just go forward.

Get Paint Brush Weapon
     At the Dam, go to the Tower with the sniper rifle, but don't pick
up  any  guns  or  ammo. Step over the sniper rifle, and press A three

Get the Paint Brush Weapon in Multiplayer
     Choose  the  sniper rifle as the special weapon and don't pick up
any guns or ammo. Go to the sniper rifle and step over it, then double
click A.

64 Characters in Multiplayer Mode
     You  can  do  this  code  anywhere, but it▓s best to do it on the
Multi-Player  Character  Select  screen  while  looking  at  the  last
available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite). Then:

1. Hold the L and R Buttons and press C-Left.
2. Hold the L Button and press C-Up.
3. Hold the L and R Buttons and press Left on the digital Control Pad
(NOT the Control Stick).

     Note:  Doing  this  will  select a different character on-screen.
This issupposed to happen.

4. Hold the L Button and press Right on the Control Pad.
5. Hold the R Button and press Down on the Control Pad.
6. Hold the L and R Buttons and press C-Left.
7. Hold the L Button and press C-Up.
8. Hold the L and R Buttons and press Right on the Control Pad.
9. Hold the L and R Buttons and press C-Down.
10. Hold the L Button and press Down on the Control Pad.

Scientist Pulls a D44
     Shoot any scientist two times without killing him.

Secret 007 Mode
     Win every level, including 21 and 22.

Get Back into the Vent
     In  Facilty,  go to the bathroom and stand under the vent. To get
up hold R, C-right, and Analog Stick Left. In a few seconds you should
be up.

Explode Remote Mines Without the Detonator
     Keep  it  on  remote  mines and throw some. Then detonate them by
pressing A + B.

Double Weapon
     While  holding  a  single gun in your hand, hold Z until you hear
the  clicking  noise. While holding Z, quickly press A, release Z then
press Z again.

Get the Secret Weapon in Multiplayer
     Don't  pick  up  anything  until you walk over a sniper rifle and
press A, A, A quickly.

Get the Secret Weapon in Single Player
     Go  to  the Dam, while picking up nothing, and head for the Tower
with the sniper rifle. Stand over it and press A, A, A quickly.

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Страница: Читы на Golden Eye 007 для Nintendo 64

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