
FIFA Soccer 99

Play as Atlanta Attack:
     To play as the Atlanta Attack, beat the Champions Cup with Brazil
on Professional level.

Where is Ronaldo?:
     On the Inter Milan Team. Calcio is Ronaldo

Easy Goals:
     To get easy goals, go clear and press up C just as the goalkeeper
is  about  to  start  going  down, if you do it right, you should jump
straight over him and the ball should land in the back of the net.

Boo the other team:
     When  the team you are playing scores a goal against you, press B
rapidly during the video and the crowd will "boo" the other team.

Cool Players:
     Pick  Canada as your team and go to player edit. Put "Joe" as the
1st  player's  name.  Then when you play a friendly game, all the guys
will be huge and they will be wierd colors (orange,pink,green, ect.)

To get MLS teams:
     To  get  the MLS teams you must win the league in every country's
league and the world league. Then go to the U.S. league and beat it on
the  hardest  difficulty.  Then go back to the team select and all MLS
teams will be under the U.S.

No goalie:
     Press  Start  to  pause  a  match  against  the  CPU,  select the
controllers  option  and gain control of the opposing team. Wait until
your  original  team gains possession of the ball, then hold R to have
the  original  CPU  goalie  run  after the ball. Keep R held and press
Start.  Use  the  controllers  option to gain control of your original
team.  The  CPU goalie will not return to the goal area, allowing easy
scoring. Note: This trick must be repeated after halftime.

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