
Cruisin' USA

Extra Cars
     At the Car Select screen, press C-Up + C-Left + C-Down.

Drive the Police Car or School Bus
     At  the  License  Plate  screen, where you enter you name for the
high  score  table,  hold  Left for a while until a head go across the

Nitro Boost
     Get  the  fastest time on a track, enter your initials at the top
of  the  scoreboard,  then scroll down to the bottom of the board. Now
push  the  Analog  Stick to the Left until the head appears. Using any
car  in  any  race,  you  can now activate the Nitro Boost by pressing
Brake, Brake, Brake, Gas, Brake, Gas. You can only use one Nitro Boost
for  every  Checkpoint passed. The Nitro Boost is great for getting up
to  speed quickly, but it wont add to the top end speed of you vehicle
and  it  only  lasts  for afew secon ds. Note: You can not get a Nitro
blast  before  before  the  first  check point. You can accumilate the
boosts.  For  every  check  point  that you pass you will get a boost.
Depending  on  the  number  of check points you can get up to three or
four boosts per course.

Extra Courses
     Highlight US 101, hold L + C-Left + C-Down and press Start to get
Golden Gate Park.

     Highlight  Beverly  Hill, hold L + C-Up + C-Right and press Start
to get Indiana.

     Highlight Grand Canyon, hold L + C-Right + C-Down and press Start
to get San Francisco.

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