
All-Star Baseball 2001

Cheat codes:

Huge Ball

Centipede Float

Tiny Players

Harder Hits

Blackout Mode

Blurry Graphics

Baseball trails

Lizard team:
     Select an exhibition game at Kaufmann Stadium. When a player hits
either  sign that reads "Win a lizard", the entire team will turn into

Dancing Players In Dugout:
     At  the code screen enter CHACHACHA and the players in the dugout
will be doing the Cha Cha Cha

Replay glitch:
     If  somebody  hits  a home run off of the foul pole go to INSTANT
REPLAY  and show it in regular time, changing the camera to zoom out a
little  bit,  and  when  it hits the foul pole, the announcer will say
"Its off the foul pole!" I have done it before, but it is kind of hard
to do.

Super Player:
     First  you  of course have to go to the "Create a Player" screen.
Now  make  a pitcher of any type, then go to the attributes screen and
take  away  all the points from his pitching stats and put them in the
other  categories. Exit the attributes screen and re-enter it, and now
the pitching stats will be refilled and the other changes to the other
stats will still be there. You can keep doing this until all the stats
are maxed out!!!

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