
Aero Gauge

China Town Jam track:
     Complete  Grand  Prix mode in first place on each track under the
"Expert" difficulty level.

Neo Speed Way track:
     Complete  Grand  Prix mode in first place on each track under the
"Intermediate" difficulty level.

Nintendo 64 controller vehicle:
     Begin  game play in time attack mode. Keep racing until obtaining
a  time that ends in .064 seconds. Press R when selecting this vehicle
to change colors from red, green, blue, black, or yellow.

Dominator vehicle:
     Complete  the  game in first place with the Black Lightning under
the "Expert" difficulty level.

Prowler vehicle:
     Complete  the  game  in  first  place  with  the Hornet under the
"Expert" difficulty level.

Reaper vehicle:
     Complete  the  game  in  first  place with the Shredder under the
"Expert" difficulty level.

Vengeance vehicle:
     Complete  the  game  in  first  place  with the Avenger under the
"Expert" difficulty level.

All tracks and vehicles:
     Hold L + R + Z on controller two before the title screen appears.
Keep those buttons held, then quickly press and release Up + C-Down on
controller  two  when  "Push Start" flashes on the title screen. Then,
press  Start  on  controller  one before the title sc reen disappears.
Note:  The  timing of this code is particularly sensitive; all buttons
must be pressed and released at exactly the same time as indicated.

Alternate vehicle color:
     Highlight a vehicle on the selection screen, then press R.

Quick start:
     Hold  A  +  B before the race begins. Release B immediately after
the commentator says "Ready".

     Begin  game  play  and  hold  A  to  speed  up.  Hold Z and press
Analog-stick Left or Analog-stick Right, release A and Z, then quickly
press A + Z. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Faster Grand Prix credits:
     Press Start when the credits appear after a Grand Prix

Speed and altitude:
     To  fly  faster  climb until blue flames appear. If you stay low,
the flames will be red and your speed will be slower.

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Страница: Читы на Aero Gauge для Nintendo 64

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