

By completing certain objectives in the game, you'll unlock special awards and titles.
200,000 Point Sector
Score 200,000 points in any sector on any difficulty.
300,000 Point Sector
Score 300,000 points in any sector on any difficulty.
400,000 Point Sector
Score 400,000 points in any sector on any difficulty.
Alpha Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Alpha Sector on any difficulty.
Beta Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Beta Sector on any difficulty.
Blitz Bronze
Score 25,000 points in 1 Minute Time Attack.
Blitz Gold
Score 45,000 points in 1 Minute Time Attack.
Blitz Silver
Score 35,000 points in 1 Minute Time Attack.
Decathlon Bronze
Score 200,000 points in 10 Minute Time Attack.
Decathlon Gold
Score 300,000 points in 10 Minute Time Attack.
Decathlon Silver
Score 250,000 points in 10 Minute Time Attack.
Delta Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Delta Sector on any difficulty.
Epsilon Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Epsilon Sector on any difficulty.
Eta Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Eta Sector on either normal or hard difficulty.
Gamma Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Gamma Sector on any difficulty.
High Five Bronze
Score 75,000 points in 5 Minute Time Attack.
High Five Gold
Score 150,000 points in 5 Minute Time Attack.
High Five Silver
Score 100,000 points in 5 Minute Time Attack.
Iota Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Iota Sector on hard difficulty.
Kappa Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Kappa Sector on hard difficulty.
Medium Match
Create a match consisting of 10 blocks in any mode and any difficulty.
Medium Multiplier
Obtain a 5x point multiplier in any mode and any difficulty.
Mega Match
Create a match consisting of 15 blocks in any mode and any difficulty.
Mega Multiplier
Obtain a 7x point multiplier in any mode and any difficulty.
Mini Match
Create a match consisting of 5 blocks in any mode and any difficulty.
Mini Multiplier
Obtain a 3x point multiplier in any mode and any difficulty.
Sector Mode Casual
Complete Sector Mode on casual difficulty.
Sector Mode Hard
Complete Sector Mode on hard difficulty.
Sector Mode Normal
Complete Sector Mode on normal difficulty.
Theta Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Theta Sector on either normal or hard difficulty.
Versus Champ
Win 10 multiplayer matches.
Versus n00b
Complete 5 multiplayer matches.
Versus Popular
Complete 20 multiplayer matches.
Versus PWNER
Win 20 multiplayer matches.
Versus Rookie
Win 5 multiplayer matches.
Versus Socialite
Complete 10 multiplayer matches.
Zeta Sector Complete
Complete all levels in Zeta Sector on any difficulty.

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