
Real Soccer 2010

5 in a Row (60)
Player wins 5 consecutive games
Assist Leader (80)
Have the most assists
Best Audience (30)
Play in all the stadiums
Club Cup Champion (100)
Win a European Club Cup
Cup Champion (100)
Win a cup from any of the continents
Extra Time Killer (30)
Win a match in extra time
First Goal (20)
Score your first goal
First Victory (30)
Win your first match
Football Collector (30)
Try all the footballs
Golden Boot (80)
Be the top goal scorer
Golden Globe (80)
Win the Golden Globe
Hat Trick (40)
One player scores 3 goals in a match
Iron defender (60)
Win 5 matches without conceding a goal
League Champion (100)
Win the League Cup in Season Club Master or Enter the Legend
League Champion (100)
Win the League Cup
Man of the Match (60)
Get recognizes as the top player in a match
Match Controller (50)
Win the match while keeping possession of the ball over 65% of the time
Mr. Incredible (100)
Win 10 consecutive local multiplayer matches
Multiplayer Fever (50)
Play 40 local multiplayer matches
National League King (100)
Win the National League Cup
Never a Loser (100)
Play 20 consecutive local multiplayer matches without losing
Penalty Master (30)
Score on all your penalty kicks
Player of the Year (80)
Be the best player in the world this year
RF(RS) League Amateur (40)
Submit a score of 50 in RF(RS) League play
RF(RS) League Legend (100)
Submit a score of 200 in RF(RS) League play
RF(RS) League Pro (60)
Submit a score of 100 in RF(RS) League play
RF(RS) League Rookie (20)
Enter the RF(RS) League rankings
Training Finisher (50)
Finish all training modes
World Champion (100)
Win the International Cup
Yellow Shirt (120)
Play online at rank number 1

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