
Real Racing

Between the lines
Win a race without leaving the road
Brand Loyalty: IEJ
Achieve a podium position in the IEJ Trophy with the IEJ Exotic
Brand Loyalty: NrGee
Achieve a podium position in the NrGee Super Sprint with the NrGee Hatch
Brand Loyalty: Telkodata
Achieve a podium position in the Telkodata 1000 with the Telkodata Sedan
Brand Loyalty: Ubermart
Achieve a podium position in the Ubermart Challenge with the Ubermart Muscle
Car Collector: Exotic
Unlock all Exotic cars
Car Collector: Hatch
Unlock all Hatch cars
Car Collector: Hoarder
Unlock all cars
Car Collector: Muscle
Unlock all Muscle cars
Car Collector: Sedan
Unlock all Sedan cars
Clean Sweep
Clean sweep a championship (gold in all divisions)
Cream of the crop
Rank in the top 100 for any 1 track (Game Center leaderboards)
Cut The Mustard: Exotic
Beat 00:43 in Time Trial on Alkesha Island with a Exotic
Cut The Mustard: Hatch
Beat 00:39 in Time Trial on McKinley Circuit with a Hatch
Cut The Mustard: Muscle
Beat 01:06 in Time Trial on Montclair with a Muscle
Cut The Mustard: Sedan
Beat 01:07 in Time Trial on Mayapan Beach with a Sedan
Win a 9 lap Quick Race against opponents
Achieve the gold quaification time for all classes
Real Racer
Complete a race using method B or E with no assists
Speed Demon
Reach a to speed of 180mph (289km/h)
Unlock all tracks

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